I'm another California bar taker.
I've been through a lot of the things which Craig and Michelle have stated.
How anyone can keep in their head all of the rules of law plus exceptions is really beyond me.
I'm a licensed attorney in another state and as a patent attorney. But, even with that, I really am not sure if I can pass the California bar. The California essays are rather tricky in that sometimes the issues are hidden. At least, they are compared to the other state that I'm licensed in.
Tons of self talk, negativity, forgetting massive amounts of material, IMO, is very natural.
The real test is how you perform under pressure. I have a combination of freezing under extreme pressure and at other times doing extremely well. I totally understand all that Craig was talking about.
California is, by reputation, one of the hardest bar exams in the country. I don't think that it's atypical for someone to fail the CA bar exam once or twice or more times. Some people can never, ever pass it, yet they (as I've heard) became very successful attorneys in other states.
Yes, law school, in a way, is an achievement, but I can totally understand the pressure you feel, Craig, in not being licensed. Even though I am licensed in another state, all of my employer interest has been out in California, which is why I am taking the Calif. bar exam this July.
I graduated over a year ago and I have yet to find any legal position anywhere and have received hundreds of rejection letters nationwide. I do fight major depression a lot and I was through the abuse, bullying, and other unpleasant events. All of this does not make my preparation any easier.
Though I passed the patent bar exam and another state's bar exam - not as hard as CA's - I don't feel I have achieved much because I am just not raking in any dough, so there is very little benefit or value in my having done these things. Also, setting up solo practice takes a lot of money among other things.
Anyway, I totally understand what it feels like to not achieve. Yes, I have heard many people say that something will turn up, but it's been over a year in terms of my looking through all sorts of means. All of this work could be for naught. Every year, there always is someone that canno