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Cold Turkey Withdrawal?

for 20 år siden 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi hopeful I was on effexor for a year and it helped me enormously for a while. I am a recovering alcoholic as well as a depressive and I didnt want to slip back into boozing myself to death. It really helped prevent that I feel. That said, I am now sick of it and its side effects (no sex life, headaches) and my pdoc wants me to give cipralax a go. He is weaning me off effexor onto cipralax so there will be no cold turkey. Please do not cold turkey off any of these things!!!!! My pdoc did the same to get me off seroxat onto prozac and it does make things a little more bearable. So glad you have got help with the meds and hope it works for you!!! Hang the expense!!!!! You only live once and if its gonna cost, its gonna cost one way or another. Good luck and take care :)
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
On the expensive part...... I think of taking care of myself as the most important expense or investment that I can make. Two docs and two scripts runs me about 2500 per year. I think of it as a great value. I suggest doing whatever you can to continue paying for whatever works to keep you healthy and happy. It does mean making sacrifices. We must look at our health as our number one priority!
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. My shrink tells me i should keep taking effexor. I am not sure why as i have been on it for 3 months and it isnt helping. He has added wellbutrin, trazodone, zyprexa and ativan....i am basically a walking pharmacy. expensive too. my head costs me about $450 dollars a month. I am glad that most of you have had good effects with effexor. h
for 21 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Effexor has also been a wonder drug for me. I have been on it for four years now, with much sucess. I have not had a suicidal thought in at least three and a half years. I have not hurt myself seriuosly in all of that time. Before being on this, I was on Paxil. For me, this drug was hell. It did nothing to help me, and the side effects impacted on my marriage for a while. My doctor took me off Paxil cold turkey, and the two weeks between finishing it and starting the Effexor (he wanted the one out of my system before I started the other) I was useless. I did not dress for two weeks, did not call any of my friends, got a leave from work for the two weeks, and spent probably 16 to 18 hours each day in bed. It is hard on any system to make a drastic chane, but if you have a good support network to help you through the withdrawals, and if being off of it will truly be beneficial in the long run, then do what you need to do to help you get through the day-to-day. Good luck, hopeful. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
effexor has a great website most of the meds do they are worth a look
for 21 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been on Effexor for almost two years. I started on Zoloft (did not effect me) and then Remeron (enormous weight gain) then Lithium. I changed psych's and the new one started me on Seraquel (sp?) and Effexor. I was then on Seraquel, Effexor, Welbutrin, Ambien. Then went off Seraquel, changed to Trazadone with Ambien (all for sleep, insomnia, nightmares). The effects of Effexor when I first started taking it were enormous in the right direction. I could return to work, I thought of other things besides my depression, I wanted to do things again. I wouldn't say I am happy, but the two times I tried to go off of it myself, or didn't pick it up from the pharmacy, I would regress back to the very worst of my depression (uncontrollable crying-suicidality). The psych. doesn't promise happy anyway. I am just trying to be in the middle between manic and depressive (Bipolar II). I take 225mg/day right now and I have a friend who has taken Effexor for 10 years (or since it came out), but she takes 75mg/day. She says it is a life saver for her also (more anxiety, panic than me). In regards to side effects, I don't know what medication curbs my sex drive, but I have none. Not a factor since I don't have a significant other. There hasn't been any weight factors (loss/gain), no nervousness or sleepiness (I wish! ;) ) Right now my "cocktail" is Lithium, Effexor, Lamictal, Klonapin, and Trazadone. I am getting a sleep study soon and the Trazadone might go away if we can find a way for me to sleep. I hope this helps. Kelly :)
for 21 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
kelly, I just started on effexor xr for about 3 weeks now. I feel it is doing good for me so far.I was wondering if you could message me back telling me how long you have been on it and how it makes you feel good...cause i just started out and so far it's working out and i just just wanted to compare side effects and symptoms..i've been on many anti-depressants and so far only after 3 weeks i like effexor xr...i would appreciate it if we could talk about effexor since we both have a little in common by liking effexer xr. Thank you and i'm really hoping you would respond :) TRacy
for 21 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have tried stopping the effexor with no success. I am on 225 mg a day and I can see a big difference if I stop just that one medication. I have been on many other drugs and effexor seems to be the best for me, but everyone is different. I would taper off of the medication if I was trying to stop. I am not suggesting any such thing, though. Let your doctor know your concerns about your meds and that you don't take them as directed. Only then, can you come to a "cocktail" that might make you feel better. Take care, Kelly :)
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I once quit Prozac cold turkey by accident...i misunderstood a doctors orders... within 12 hours my head was spinning, I was getting electric shocks down my legs and arms...I felt like chewing through a chain link fence... i have never had good experience going cold turkey...i always thought that you had to slowly reduce your dosage until you were free of the withdrawal symptoms... good luck... be careful
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Has anyone stopped taking effexor xr completely without tapering off? Any suggestions on dealing with the withdrawal symptoms? I have been taking effexor xr 150mg for 2-1/2 months along with trazodone 250mg at night and zyprexa 10mg at night. I really feel the effexor is not working for me. I told my shrink that when I was in the hospital and he tried to take me off it but I got bad withdrawal symptoms so he put me back on it. I told him last week that it was making me more depressed and that it made me very dull and sluggish and empty. I also cannot sleep more than 2 hours a night without waking up in a cold sweat from a night terror. The zyprexa is supposed to help me with obsessive thoughts and insomnia. It doesnt work either so I quit taking it except for when the negative thoughts get way out of control. My shrink told me he doesnt want me to come off the effexor because of withdrawal and he is hesitant to try a different drug because of drug interactions and the fact that I had wicked bad reactions to other drugs including remeron and syroquel. I tried to get an appointment for this week to tell him that the effexor is not the drug for me and that the depression and emptiness are driving me nuts but he is on holidays for 3 weeks. I can't wait 3 weeks to come off this drug so I just quit it 4 days ago. I am really hyper and agitated, have a wicked headache, cant sleep at all and am nauseous. I also feel like my brain is sloshing around inside my head. I really feel like I would rather tough out the withdrawal than stay on the drug. I have tried exercising to get rid of the hyper feeling but it doesnt work. I rollerbladed about 10 miles and felt okay while I was doing it but the minute I got home and stopped blading I puked a lot. I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to beat the withdrawal and not go nuts. thanks

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