I would love to know the answer to that one too!!!!!! Been on AD's for years and they all do that to me. Its now getting beyond a joke! I heard that wellbutrin was helpful in that dept. but when I asked my pdoc he told me that it is not licensed in the UK so I could not have it. You can in US if that is where you are.
My therapist says it is also likely to be me and my attitude to my partner and is working on that wih me. So I'm confused..how much is the drugs? How much is me? Does this mean I have to end my 12 year relationship???? Too scary while I feel the way I do...
Any ideas people????
Hi Everybody,
I'm new here on the board. I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety/panic disorder. My past and current medications have included, Paxil, Prozac, Buspar and Effexor. Does anyone know of a SSRI that doesn't sap one of their sexual libido? I have heard tale of Serzone. Any advice?