Hello, i just wanted you to know that im praying for you tonight. i dont have any good answers as to why such painful things happen, all i can say is to encourage you not to give up. Have you tried talking about your partner's drinking habits with him? Im so glad for you that he has been there for you in the past, i hope that you are able to work through your issues together and grow even closer together.
You did not say much in your post about therapy, have you found any help through counselling? My partner was sexually abused as a child; he tells me that at the time, he hated the counselling that he received, and that he didnt find it a positive experience. I think he managed to deal with and live through the experience, but he still has flashbacks when we are intimate. at first i wasnt sure how to handle them, eventually i learned to let him talk about it when he felt he needed to, and learned what type of things bothered him. To this day there are sexual aspects that we dont explore, and that is fine with me. From what you said, it sounds like a lot of things that cant be avoided cause you flashbacks. im sorry that i cannot offer more in the way of advice, all i can say is, know that you are worth more. Know that you did nothing to deserve what has happened, that none of it is your fault. i have found so much solace in the comfort and advice of good, caring friends, the only advice i can give you is to find someone you can lean on and talk to when it gets really bad. Feel free to email me whenever you need a listener. Take care of yourself, remember that you are worth more.
God bless