Hi Queenie,I hope you are doing good today.I wanted to answer your questions. I am from North Carolina.
And I am just seeing a family right now. I was going to therapy but I could not afford it by me not working.
I have insurance through my husband but I did'nt have the money to continue going. One place I wanted to go they couldn't see me until next year in Janaury and I needed help before then. Depression is so painful and wanted it to go away so I called a family doctor and they was able to see me the next day. So I was thankful for that. I hope your appointment is not a long wait. I was told that it would take about 3 weeks for me to start to feel better but I started feeling better days after I started taking the new medcation. I am not a 100% better but I feel better than I did.
Hi, Jackie
i'm glad to hear from u, too. Congrats on u getting a new job - keep @ it and things will get better...plus u 'll soon be enjoying a trip to NYC!
I'm waiting for my 1st appt with a psychiatrist. Are u getting therapy from anyone or r u just seeing ur family dr?
I know what u mean by being embarassed about being depressed; i struggle w/ that everyday and hope someday soon i'll be able to shake that.
if u don't mind me asking, where r u from? I'm in Toronto.
keep smiling & hope to hear from u soon,
Hi Quennie,
I am doing better. I feel alot better. I went to a new doctor and he glad me a new medication. I am taking 150 mg now and before I was take 75mg. The drug I am taking now is from an older class of antidepressant. I found another job and I pray that I will be able to work. The doctor wanted me to wait until after Christmas before I started working again but I need the money because I have two children to take care of. My son's school is going to New York and the cost is 500.00 dollars for both us to go.So I hope this job works out because I have no other way of getting the money. I don't want to disapoint my son. He has been disappionted so much by me because of this depression. Me working so many different jobs. We lost our house we lost our car and we have missed out on alot of things because of this. I hope you will find help so you will get better. I went to a family doctor.
Keep me posted on how you are doing. I am so glad you wrote me. I have been waiting and waiting for some to reply. It feels good to talk to someone who understand because I have no one that fully understand what I have been going through and it is so embrassing.
hi, jackie and venus_rockstar....i especially identify w/ u guys.....i've had to quit 2 temp jobs too b/c i couldn't drag myself out of bed after a week on the job...then i felt and continue to feel ashamed that i couldn't deal w/ it...but i felt too stressed and worthless at work. Couldn't deal w/ it.
Are you better now? Are u in therapy? I want to start seeing someone myself.
What have u guys been up to since ur last posting?
I got lucky with my new job at the bedspread factory. My Supervisor pulled me aside and told me she could see what she had me doing was stressing me out so she changed my work station. I had been honest when I applied for the job. I told them I had been a nurse then gotten sick and could no longer tolerate high stress because of illness. I did not go into a lot of detail, but I did say that much--and I guess it was the right thing to do. I am feeling much more comfortable there now. Its not what I will want to do for the rest of my life, but its enjoyable enough--most of the fabrics etc., are pretty to look at and handle--that it will help us climb out of the financial hole caused by my illness and my husband's lay-off. He is liking his new job too. I also found out that the University Campus in our area offers a lot of stuff on-line so maybe next year I will start looking into that. Not having to always drive the long distance for classe might make going back to school more doable. I had enough near misses with accidents while driving at night in wintertime that I no longer drive in the dark if I can avoid it.
The same thing has happen to me over and over again. I keep trying and trying to work. I quit a job on Tuesday and have not told my mother or sisters because they think I don't want to work.What will I do. If I find another I know the same thing will happen. I use to could work several months before I ended up quitting but now it happens in only a couple of days.Why am I such a failure?
I'm in the same position in my life right now. I was in telemarketing for 2 1/2 yrs and I got so down from people telling me off all day, that I decided to look for something new. I've been hired by two places since then, and I've quit them both. I can't drag myself out of bed in the morning to go. I feel like such a complete and utter failure. I feel like I'm disappointing everyone close to me.
Hi Ashley! My biggest problem is that I'm just too scared. People just don't understand how hard it is to try again, I got so depressed and worthless that I just don't want to go through that again. I think that the only thing I can do is being a door greeter at a large dept. store, but where we live is a very small town so it's hard to find special work.
I know what you all mean..I cant hold a job for more than 3 months before the depression wins. I have only had 3 jobs my whole life.
I am now just too scared to work period...
I dont want to get yelled at or in trouble or made fun of or judged...plus I am always tired and emotionally drained.
How about looking for something that you enjoy doing? Is there an employment office in your area that would have a list of jobs you might enjoy? What about a headhunter? They can assess your abilities, as well as what you enjoy and find something for you. Half the trick is finding what you like to do.
Start here and move forward step by step. Hope this helps,
The Depression Center Support Team.