There doesnt seem to be an edit button, so i shall just add a quick reply.
I guess since i plan to be a regular here, i should give my story.
For which reasons I dont know, as a child (8yrs old), I thought and pondered as strongly as i do now, albit lacking the same knowledge. This lead me to great strife with my parents, and I never realy build up a emotional bond to them at all. At 14 I was in therapy with my mom about (yes literaly) using the washer and dryer. Such bs. The female friend i had known sence 3rd grade, and onward for the next 9 years, was very important to me, and was one of the few i felt emotionaly attached to. On my 16th birthday, I thanked her for her friendship and told her about my depresion about life, and family, but her beliefs wouldnt accept that and I never saw her again. From there i have been completly insecure, living finacly bound to people i hate (and hate myself for hating them). And for the last 6 years i have extreemly depressed over "things" but of real importance, i assure you. The biggest driving force to me is that nobody cares. I have a few friends and lots of family. Im not intrested in telling them the obvious. My room is full of the saddest things ever produced. Basicly it boils down to this: For 21 years i have been without. I need someone to love/count on, and for someone to love myself back.
I have been down the darkest roads, and to all that is reading this, that fact gives me my only strength. If im ready to go, untill i do, life is a free-bee. If im done trying to find someone in RL that acutualy cares, and have my collection of knives...until i do, life is fair game, with no long term consequences. And maybe while im waiting, i may find that one person who will save me. Then again...patience, and spelling, are things im not very good at :) .
One last thing; a question to all the posters: to me posting on here seems very demorilizing. I read many stories about upright conflict or obvious reasons for depresion. There is no way my stories can compete with compaired to someone who faced rape, or horrible one liners with no other explination needed. It all just seems kind of petty posting here.
Thanks for reading my book, and i look forward to any replies.