Hi Marilyn, Boy, I am angry on your behalf--psyciatrists not taking medicare does not sound very ethical to me. You didn't say where you are located, if you are near a University or other teaching hospital you might try them--also you could talk to the Social Services department (or whatever your hospital calls the department where the social workers are) and ask them to help you find a doctor. Also your County Public Health Department might be able to help. Your family doctor should be able to refer you to someone--or call whatever your medicare supplemental insurance company is. You may have to call this company several times--insurance companies are sometimes very poor about covering Mental Health issues. Many states now require Mental Health coverage from insurance companies, so if the company gives you a run around, you could also try your State Attorney General's office to find out what your state law is.Let us know how you are doing.
I cannot find a pshciatrist who takes medicare ins. I also have a supplemnt ins program. Is there a solution? I really need help from a professional. Regular MD has not been able to help.