Babygirl, You are in a very tough position. Understand the love you have for your boyfriend. However, your love for yourself needs to come first. If you are not on the road to getting yourself better, then you can not help your boyfriend. I am sure it's been a long and rough road. However, you really need to keep trying to find a doctor that fits you. You will know it when you meet that doctor. You'll feel totally comfortable that you can just let everything out.
I must agree that the verbal abuse is worse than physical abuse. Those scares are deeper inside of us. If the abuse continues, you are going to have to seriously think if the relationship is worth trying to keep it. However, not matter how much your boyfriend says he is going to change, both of you need to have some counseling both together and seperate. Also you need to be healthy for yourself.
Another thought. If you were to leave your boyfriend to get yourself better, it may make hime realize how much he has hurt you. Then he may just find the courage to change.
Good luck, be safe. God will be watching over you.