Hi. I just stumbled upon this website and thought I'd post. Maybe someone out there will want to talk. I honestly don't know what my problem is. I'm 21 now and I vaugely remember being happy when I was little. I think I've always been depressed but it only stared to get worse a few years ago and won't go away. I have such a defeated, guilty and negative attitude and I don't know where it came from. I'm constantly anxious and nervous all the time, even for stupid everyday normal things. My family life has always been extremely hectic but I have wonderful parents who love me very much, which is part of the problem because I feel like I'm constantly letting them down. Like today for instance, I was supposed to go to school at 2:30, and waited till the last possible minute to get ready. When I was finished I saw that it was 10 min. after and just broke down crying. Sorry about the long post, but if there is anyone out there who has something of a similar situation, I'd like to hear from you. thanks