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Generic Celexa (Citalopram)

for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Casey, thanks for the info. I'll take it from here. I sincerely believe this product to be harmful & should be taken off the market until it can be evaluated further. I don't know what your responsibilities include, as a moderator of a web site such as this, but if you have a vehicle to provide feedback which is unavailable to the rest of us - I'd strongly suggest you use it. If I had been alone when I had the seizure, I don't believe I'd be here now typing this post. Thx again for your reply. Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Becky, As I've already posted, I've been going through the same nightmare you & others on this thread have been going through. I got my old Celexa back yesterday; so to-day was the first opportunity I had to take it. It's too early to say that I feel normal again, but at least I've got some hope now. I didn't know WHAT was happening to me before! The hole I've been in since first starting the Citalopram was far worse than anything I'd ever known before. I just know that before long we're going to hear that it's been taking off the market - like so many others. At least if I can do anything about it, it will. As of to-day, the depression "seems" a little better - but that could be just because I anticipate an end in sight(?). One day is too short to see a major difference. One side effect that is still very much still with me is the tingling under my skin (as if I had the shakes), and the fever that comes and goes almost every 1/2 hour. The constant headache is still with me too, as are the recurring feelings of "dread" ( that's the best way I can describe it). I'll keep you posted when I can see a real difference. Good luck to you, Becky. I'm glad you switched back. I'm starting to believe that the pharmaceutical companies put profits far ahead of peoples' well-being. Aren't I naive!! In doing the research behind some of the newer meds, I've seen cases where the trial period consists of as little as 4-6 WEEKS and then they're released for sale labelled "safe". I still don't know if the seizure I had 3 weeks ago had anything to do with the Citalopram; I'm still undergoing tests.So far I've had a CT scan, an EEG, and I have to go for an MRI in June. Bye for now, Kate14
for 19 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Um...I feel kind of dumb here, but isn't Celexa related in some way to Lexapro? I just started taking this third-generation anti-anxiety / anti-depression medication and it seems to be helping me a lot so far. The problem is that it's expensive and so every so often I run out and can't afford to refil for a few days and then I forget to take it and go off it and... argh Butterfly
for 19 år siden 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just had to reply. I have been on Celexa for 4 years. I had panic attacks and depression. Celexa totally worked for me. It made me feel like my normal self again. I totally took it for granted. About 2 months ago, I switched to the generic Celexa, as so many did because it was so much cheaper. I didn't think anything of it...until now. My anxiety and depression have returned full force out of nowhere. I feel absolutly HORRIBLE and I know I am making life difficult for my fiance who I love dearly. I have a hard time getting up in the morning. I have extreme anxiety through out the day and tons of uncontrollable negative thoughts. Yesterday, I had a new prescription written for the brand name Celexa and am going to get back on it tomorrow and HOPEFULLY feel better. Any feedback from anyone who has switched back would be much appreciated.....I'd like to know if it really did help and how long it took on average to feel some relief. My life is just falling apart here!!! Becky
for 19 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kate14, The only information I was able to find for you is a number for the makers of the brand name Celexa. It is made by Forest Pharmaceuticals. Forest Professional Affairs Department toll-free at 800-678-1605, extension 7301. This may not be the information you are looking for, since it isn't their product that you have the concerns with,it is the generic version. If they are not able to assist you at this number, I suggest that you speak with your doctor and or pharmacist to find out more information about the suppliers of the generic version that you received. The pharmacy should be able to provide you with the name of the manufacturer of the generic one. Casey ____________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Patti & everyone else, Well I got the Celexa back to-day - after complaints to both the pharmacy & my therapist. I'm hoping to see some improvements soon. Good luck to everyone in the Celexa/Citalopram struggle. Kate14 ps. To the moderators........can you provide an Email site where we can register our concerns with this new generic? I strongly believe all these concerns should be centralized somewhere. If you've experienced what so many of us have here (not to mention other similar sites), no-one can tell you there's no difference between Celexa & it's generic. I almost feel as if we've all been part of some field trial. Not to mention - wouldn't the manufacturer WANT to hear our feedback? If not, I'd seriously wonder why not.
for 19 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your posts and replies. I appreciate it. I must say that I gave it my best. I tried the generic for just over 2 months and I'm miserable. My Dr. and Pharmacist both told me to give it some time; as it is the same exact medication. But I just know it's NOT. I gave it my best, but I will be switching back this week. My feelings of hopelessness have gotten so bad, I'm beginning to wonder if I've lost it. I have absolutely NO concentration in anything I do. I don't sleep well, eat well or work well anymore. I feel as if I'm on a downward spiral to my old ways. Some days, I think I feel ok, but that soon disappears. I am so irritable. My fuse is so short with people, with situations, etc. I want to crawl in a hole sometimes. Surprisingly enough, I do not have the anxiety I once had. I'm just not myself. I do blame it on the generic Celexa. I have a wonderful boyfriend that is so supportive and I don't want to lose him to my temper. It's sometimes out of control and I thought I kicked that habit years ago when I started Celexa. I have an appt. with my Dr. this week to get switched back. Celexa saved my life; and now it's being taken again by this generic. I hope all of you have since switched back. I thought I would give it some time, but that didn't work. Keep me posted!!! Keep your chins up!! -Patti :8o:
for 19 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Same problems as everyone else has discussed. I was at my therapist yesterday and she mentioned that a lot of people were not responding well to the generic Celexa. A formal complaint needs to be issued to whomever is responsible. I've been lethargic and gloomy and actually have a lot going for me. I'm seeing my MD in a couple of days to go back to the original.
for 19 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
OMG I am so happy I went surfing today on this topic. I thought I was losing my mind. I was on Celexa for many years and always had a feeling of well being. About 2 months ago the pharmacist switched me to the "generic". It has been a slow down hill ride but I am in a Hell Hole. I scream in the middle of the night, get very little sound sleep but the worst of all is the deep depression. I am going to my Dr. tomorrow and getting my old "Celexa" back. The hell with generics even if I have to pay. I do want to say thank God for this board. Without it I would have never linked the two. :) Jeanette
for 19 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Patti, Thank you so much for starting this thread. I see that you're now content with the generic, but I'm definitely NOT! Reading the messages that followed your post gave me a clue as to what might be happening to me lately.... - the old nightmares are back with a vengeance. I'm so afraid to go to bed at night that I've had to take a sleeping pill to get to sleep at night. - my depression is worse than I can ever remember it being (I'd been on Celexa so long I thought I'd left the blackness behind). - waking or asleep, I'm having overwhelming bouts of hopelessness. As if all this wasn't enough, 2 weeks ago I had a seizure that landed me in Emergency. I've never had a seizure before although I did have a head injury 15 yrs ago. So I don't know if possibly this new generic shouldn't be used in cases such as mine - or if there's no relationship between the seizure and the generic. I do know; however, that the exaggerated level of depression is tied to something new & after reading the other posts I'm positive that it's the new generic.A couple of them could have been written by ME. So, once again thx for starting this discussion. I'll be on the phone to my Dr to-day. Maybe there's some hope after all........

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