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How do I ask them for help?

for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was on meds and came off them suddenly, they did make me less serious and guilt ridden all the time but for me personally, im supposed to be a happy confident person and haveing to take a pill everyday to make me that was just too horriffic for me anyways. You should go to your doctor but explain to him or her that you may not want to take anti depressant. You will then be in a situation to talk to your doctor about alternatives and things like help groups and coucellors because sometimes that is the best way forward.
for 19 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi trish how you doin? depression is sooo confusing ive suffered from this illness my whole life and iam now 23yrs old. Ive only been on medication for approx 2yrs on and off. Has it helped? not really. I have my good days and bad days but thats with everyone i spose. I have tried ciprimil, then went to lexapro when that wasnt working anymore they increased my dosage an when that didnt work i went back to my doctors and in extreme anger and fustration (which was yesterday) begged for a new and stronger tablet. My doctor really had no choice but to give me something new. Im not able to have any medication for 2 days, until the medication is out of my system then i can start my new ones. I forget the name but ill get back to you on that. I find getting out doors and exercising really helps to clear your mind and negative sad thoughts.I went bike riding yesterday for the first time in years it felt good. I also dance once a week and im going to start swimming also. I think you should go an see a doctor and start on some medication but the tablets will only do so much you have to want to get better. Just remember that your mind is connected to your body YOU are in control of your body and YOUR thoughts. I only found this site by myself yesterday and i feel it really helps talking about it and knowing that your not the only one who feels like this. My doctor didnt tell me that there are any support groups like this so they really do little to help because they dont understand. They tell me that my depression is caused by a chemical in my brain called ceratonin ( think that is how you spell it) it is not being released enough.Who knows.I think you should take your mum to the doctors with you maybe dont tell her what your going for untill your in the chair with the doctor, just make something up if she doesnt understand your doctor will explain the illness to your mum but you need to get on top of this trish because it will only get worse! trust me! let me know how you go. I hope you have a good day ;)
for 19 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trish I'm with you girl!!! It is such a strange feeling to be so upset and always crying over nothing! I also had panic attacks where I was experiencing all these freaky emotions but my conscious thought process could not understand why!!!! There was nothing actually wrong in my life- in fact, all going pretty well, yet I was experiencing all this bad stuff. Mmmmm the mysteries of depression hey? Anyway, my family and I were always anti-meds and thought they could "change" your personality etc, but though advice from a friend, I went to doc (and believe your doc will have discussed depression a trillion times with all sorts of patients, so it will be nothing new to them!). Doc said the brain is a body organ, it has a chemical imbalance and some meds will address that problem. I took the meds (I happen to be on zoloft) and felt better after a few weeks. I am now completely back to my old happy self (took about 6 months)and have been for three years now. The meds have totally helped me and I am still on them today. I tried going off them, when I felt super good, but symptoms started again so I've now accepted I will probably take them for a very long time, maybe forever, and that is OK with me. Much better than depression!!!! I'm lucky, because they worked for me, and I didn't get too many bad side effects (just a bit of nausea, vivid dreams and night sweats), but that only seemed to last a little while at the beginning while body gets used to it. You may have to try a few different things, but don't let anyone talk you out of it,if your doc things it is the right thing. Get on the net, do heaps of research about different types, discuss with doc, even get a second opinion if you can and let us know how it all goes. Best of luck X
for 19 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trish, Reading your post brings back old memories, I had felt every emotion you described when I was 18. Do you have access to a "student health" or a school counselor? Bits of advice would be: be a proactive patient, read up on what ever it is the doctor tells you. I always cringe when I hear that my friend has gone to the doctor for the first time and has been put on the highest dose of RX. I subscribe to the notion of using the least amount of correction necessary. (in all issues of life). Vigorous exercise will help in the mean time. Stay away from alcohol and cut back on the junk food (ie if it has corn syrup in it or it's a form of a chip...don't eat it). As for just going to the doctor without family support, that depends on your relationship with the doctor and the clinic and weather or not your insurance has mental health benefits. There will be a bill. But there are low cost/no cost services for students also. MMcDaniel
for 19 år siden 0 68 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Trish, I just wanted to get on with the things I have to do (boring household chores) when I read your post and wanted to reply. It sounds like depression runs in your family. If you had another type of disease in your family, say high blood pressure, would it than be okay for your family to take medication?? This is no different. Since it does run in your family, the chance that the medication might work for you is even greater, especially the one your mom took. You are still young. It took me a lot of years (I mean really a lot) to figure out that what other people thought was good for me does not matter. Taking medication for depression is not like taking drugs, they are not habit forming, but you might have to use them the rest of your life. They also do not work opposite of what they are supposed to do. You grandmother or aunt heard something and do not know the fine things about it. If you want to have it explained I will, but I will not bore you with the fysiolocial effects of these type of medication. Talk to your doctor, he CAN help you!!!
for 19 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi thanks for the advice. I write poetry to help me out. It makes me feel better. I use to not let my family read them b/c some of them were suicidal though I never believed I'd do it, thats why I did not want them to see b/c I didn't want them to think that I would. Eventually they began to wonder why I was always writing. I told them I wrote poetry but would only let them read the good ones. they started worying about me b/c they knew that I was getting more sad. My cousin Crystal found my poetry and read through them. She was freaked out and showed my aunt. I was at work while this was going on. I got into the car when she picked me up. On the way home my aunt said I need to talk to you. I was like OK what about. She then said Crystal read your poems and I did too. She appologized for not asking first and she said she was upset b/c she didnt know that i felt that bad and that i need to start talking to her about things. She also asked if I needed any help. I kept reassuring her that I didn't when deep down I was wanting her to force me to go. I didn't think it'd do much good but that I should maybe try. Eventually I hid my peoms better and pretended things were better though they weren't. I asked not long ago for me to get meds but she flipped out. She said I could talk to someone but she didn't want me to take anything for them. I wont be 18 till august so what do I do? Talk to the doctor n e ways? The thing I hate about talking to them about this is that they blame my ex. yes it bothers me that we can not be together. it hurts but they don't realize that i hurt before him. I have never felt normal! I wish they would understand that. But they don't. So it makes me unable to talk to them.
for 19 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trish, I had the same experience, my first bouts of depression were met with my family and friends stern opposition to medication...their thoughts were I should just snap out of it and they never needed meds to get them through it. My first time to the doctor, I was still under my parents insurance, I went to our family doctor, I told him I thought I was depressed, he asked what made me think that, I said I couldn't stop crying and then I fell apart...he had known me for a number of years and knew that my behavior was completely out of character. However you still need to be a proactive patient: many antidepressants have undesirable side effects and each person reacts differently, you need to be aware of what is normal for you. You being 18 (are you in college?), have access to free support services. Many schools have free counselors, and support groups, I used to go to Student Health for cheap check ups. Your family may feel better if you take additional action instead of just medication. Little things like keeping a journal, getting sun light, exercising, adjusting your diet, going to support groups, etc. May make them feel more comfortable with the fact that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. Feel free to reach out anytime, Mandy
for 19 år siden 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Trish: Your grandmother is right in some ways but wrong in other ways. Antidepressants do not work for some people but many are helped greatly by them. My husband suffered for years, being afraid to take an antidepressant (his well-meaning family gave him the same messages as you are given by yours.) However, his family also gave him the 'exaple' that drinking was an acceptable way to 'feel better.' Thank god he has stopped drinking, which was killing him, and he is getting good therpy a good psych doc and is now on an antidepression med that really helps him. Please find yourself a good psychiatrist who will get to know you and what med may be the best for you. Remember that depression meds take 4-6 weeks to take effect. I've talked to many people who quit them too soon and say, "They don't help" because they quit them too soon, so be diligent in hangin in there until they kick in. Take care. jo
for 19 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[b]Text[/b] Hi I have not been diagnosed for depression but I know I have it. I have known for years. Every test I have taken on the net has said that I should go to a doctor and talk to them about this. With out taking the tests I knew. Any way,it atkes a lot for me to ask fo help though finally I talked to my aunt about taking meds for depression. She was kinda upset. She knows that I am not happy much but she feels that meds are the wron way to get through this. She says it would be like me using drugs. So she does not support this. I am almost 18 so I think I could get them anyways nw. It's just she keeps sayin that most of the pills do the opposite of what u need them to do. My grandmother has depression, though she refuses to take meds. She says they do not help, so thats where my aunt gets all of this from. My mom use to take meds because she had depression, she no longer takesthem but she said they hlped her and she no longer needs them. So apparently its in the family. My friend alsotakes nti depressants and says they have helped some what. I realize thy wont ake my life wonderful and I don't expect everything to be perfect though do wonder all the time that maybe they could help me out some. Cause there are times I get sad for no reasons at all. I have another friend who is against meds almot completely and she is saying "u shouldn't take them its supid". SoI am asking u b/c u have been through these things. Please give me advice on what to do. Help appreciated.

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