Hi Sharon i am seeing the owner at 6.30pm tonight about the house so hopefully i will get it im quite nervous though.My kids can hardly contain their exitement about xmas my 3yr old keeps asking is it xmas yet its so cute.I bet your kids are excited too. i used to love this time of year but this year im having so much trouble getting into the xmas spirit but im puting on a brave face for the kids.
I hope you feel better.Gabbi.
How is the house negotations? I bet you kids are getting excited as they only have 2 sleeps until Xmas. I am wishing you and your family a very Merry Xmas and may the New Year bring you happiness.
Hi Kat sorry i havnt had a chance to write you sooner things here have been a little crazy and when i do sit down to the computer one of the kids always wants something so i think well i'll post tonight but when i get the kids to bed i am usually too tired to post and go to bed instead but im here now,how are you doing?I hope your back is feeling better.Thanks for posting me.Gabbi.
Hello Gabbi, I just wanted to know how youve been doing and how your weekend was. Mine was crappy as usual. I hope everythings been going well with you or atleast better. I know you are going through a hard time. Just remember that Im here for you. Take care Gabbi, (((hugs))) your friend Kat.