I took Xanax for about 21/2 months. For the first two weeks I slept 16-18 hours a day. I found that Xanax did nothing for me. It didn't take away my anxiety or panic attacks. Check with your doctor about all the side effects and see if there is some other medication that would work for you.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.
I'd call the Doc on that one. I've taken Xanax before and it had little effect, but also no side effects that I recall. Any sensations that are unusual or uncomfortable should be discussed with your doctor right away.
Take care.
Today was my second day of taking Xanax at 1mg. I have slept all day and have wierd sensations in my arms and legs where they are constrictind and causing me some pain. Where I am NOT going to be taking this tomorrow because I do want to live some of my life has anyone else has this reaction? What is something you have tried as an alternet?