Thanks for the info. It made me laugh a little when you said that you read countless "self help" books. I must have at least 30 in my bookshelf as we speak! for about the last 6 years or so that is about all I have been inclined to read. I am going to pick this one up too. I can't wait to read it. :) Maybe this is the one to make an impact...I sure hope so.
If you're like me and have read countless "self-help" books without experiencing real change in your life or if you are just interested in a book that may help I would like to recommend "The Secret Of Letting Go" by Guy Finley. The subect matter actually covers much more than "letting go", addressing issues that we can all relate to in some form or another that have caused us to suffer. He explains things in a way that I've never heard anyone explain them before. This is a good thing as it has given me hope and an understanding unlike any I have had previously. I have rarely been so optimistic as a result of reading a book as I have been reading this one. I truly believe this book will make a difference in my life and if that is the case than it can certainly make one in your's too. The author also has a web site, which I have just discovered and looks to be the real deal.
In closing I want to say that I have no stake in the aforementioned book or website. I am just someone like you searching for all the help and knowledge I can find that will help me "heal", "get better" and improve the quality of my life. I am optimistic that this book and author I have come across may just do that while doing the same for one or more of you out there.
My best wishes to you all!