Hi. I've been trying to cope with my MDD for a long time now and haven't seen the success I need. I found this site and I want to try the program in hopes that it will provide help. My story started about 5 years ago when my middle child (14 at the time) started being a problem in school and at home and started having legal problems. My wife and I tried to do wht was right but someone in the process she decided that I wasn't helping and I was pushed away from the process. In time she decided that it was more important to her to "fix" our daughter than it was to keep our marriage intact. I had (still don't have) no support system or anyone I felt I could talk to so this started the downward spiral. After a year and a half a friend asked me if I was ok following a meeting we were at and the whole story came spilling out. It was SO nice to have someone to talk to because my wife and I had nearly separated a couple months earlier and my daughter had been sent to a state hopsital for evaluation a few days earlier.
The marriage issue did not improve, in fact it got worse, but the conversations between myself and my friend increased. In retrospect it was a bad idea because she ended up divorcing her husband and, after about 5 months we began a relationship which she abruptly ended after about a month by moving in with someone else. That nearly put me over the edge and did put me in a psych ward for a few days. My wife and I had been separated for 4-5 months by now and, despite attempts to reconcile, we ended up divorced about a year and a half later. To add to this, my employer wound up filing for bankruptcy so I lost my job and my health insurance and my two oldest, including the one that had been in trouble, were now gone from home and seldom called or kept in contact. My youngest, even though we are only 11 blocks apart, seldom calls or stops by and when I call he is usually busy with one thing or another.
I am working on a new relationship but I am finding that very difficult because of the MDD and my seeming inability to get better. I've been on every drug imaginable but Zoloft seems to be providing some relief. Talk therapy, for me, has been useless because I don't trust my therapist and, where I live, there are no other choices for a therapist. Once in