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Medlemsgruppe rygning


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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-07-17 7:35 PM

Medlemsgruppe depression

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Trying to cope with early retirement

for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Josie, I have already started the program and I am working on Session 1 this week. The structure appeals to me. I will also share this with my therapist. Already logging helps to see that I do have good times--Sometimes the bad is all I can remember. Linda :(
for 18 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
linda, Welcome to The Depression Center. We thank you for sharing your story with us today. This support group is full of supportive individuals who may be able to help you answer some questions regarding depression. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physicians advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. We also have developed a Depression Program. This program is 16-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead. If you have any questions or concerns with our "TOOLS" you can contact our support department at support@depressioncenter.net. Take care and we hope to hear from you soon. Josie ___________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team.
for 18 år siden 0 36 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Linda - I am 60, so maybe am the senior citizen here. I am still working and probably will be until I'm 70 or better if I can. I can't afford to retire! So, to me retirement sounds grand, but I know I am seeing it thru rose colored lenses. I think I would do well for the first couple of months, and then probably be bored to tears. I had been on meds for over 10 years and in therapy for almost 4 years, and quit everything in Feb. Winter is awful for me, but I think I am doing better without all the introspection. As soon as I quit the meds, I started having really bad pain and some arthritis / torn meniscus / herniated disc problems have surfaced, and I am so consumed trying to deal with the physical pain that the depression is kind of in the back seat. Which is fine with me, but I'd rather not have all this physical pain. It is depressing in itself, but it's a different kind of depression. I had gotten to some uncomfortable places in therapy - things coming to the surface that I can't deal with - I think. For now I'm better off stuffing things back down. I know the theory is that you deal with things in one way or another, but I just couldn't deal with therapy and all the digging around. I may go back to it - and I may not. I wish you all the best - I am working my way thru this program and I think it has a great deal to offer. I get stuck with trying to get rid of some of my core beliefs that are holding me back. But they've been with me for so long that they just seem a part of me that I can't unload. Best wishes to you and keep writing!
for 18 år siden 0 40 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi linda Juat a quick message to welcome you to the Support Group, and hope you will find it and the depression programme helpful. I myself am 46, and I think I may have mentioned this on one of my postings, but am not in general aware of the age of other posters. From the content of other posts I would think that most posters would be under 60 years old. I think quite a lot of people read the posts without actually posting themselves, so obviously couldn't even hazard a guess as to their ages. The age of posters is not an issue for me, and I hope that you don't find it problematic for yourself. I myself have not worked for a very long time because of my mental health and visual impairment. I am really pleased that things are a bit better for you now. The aches and pains you get, plus feeling awful first thing in the morning are very common in depression, but that doesn't of course make them any less unpleasnat. They often improve as depression itself eases - this is what happened to me, but it can take some time, and I think finding the right medication and dose can help greatly with this. I understand your longing to "...just go back to energetic A type personality..." I think we all at times with our current problems wish that we could "go back", but often this is not possible and may not even be as desirable as we think. Would it not perhaps be better to just go forward to a "happier, more contented type linda"? Best wishes MRB :)
for 18 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello all. It appears that most of the users here are much younger than myself at 56, is that true? To introduce myself, it seems that loosing my job was the event the lead to my current depression/anxiety. My last day of work was 10/1/04 after 31 years at the same company as I was part of a 20,000 person layoff and I took my retirement. For the first 4 months I was so absolutely happy. Then gradually around 2/1/05 a cloud of anxiety and depression decended. So, I have been trying to fight my way out of this for over a year. I have never experienced anything like this before. I am currently on Cymbalta and Ativan after trying Lexapro and Effexor. Things are better, but I long to just go back to energetic A type personality I was as a saleswoman. I have gone back to working since June with a former co-worker and also am currently helping my CPA husband with tax work. Lots of aches and pains and getting up in the morning is really awful. Luckly, things get better as the day goes on. I would love to hear from someone with similar issues. I have just completed session one of this program in my continuing quest.

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