I hate to be repetitive, but I have to say it again. Dr.Phil on t.v. says, "When people show you who they really are, believe them." I guess you have to decide if you want to spend your life and give all your trust to someone who lies, cheats and keeps secrets from you. What are you worth? I spent 7 years with a man who earned/deserved no trust from me whatsoever, but I kept giving it to him. Once I took a good look at the future with him, being alone looked pretty good. He cheated, lied every day about stupid things, and to this day thinks his role in life is to tell me what all is wrong with me, even though I dumped him 11 years ago. Unfortunately, we have a son, so I try to be patient and let my son have contact with him, but he is such a sociopath that I really don't think it's a good idea sometimes. His main way of showing affection for his son is to show up once or twice a year and give him stolen clothes and shoes. What a role model! What an indication of my bad choices! Anyway, if the man you are with makes you feel lower than you already do, you need to see that it's time to go. There is no reason to feel worse than you already do, and he obviously is not going to change. "Leopards don't change their spots." My best friend always said when I thought I would "fix" my son's dad. WHat an idiot I was, I see it now. Please put yourself and your kids first, and leave while you still have any self esteem at all. You will never get past the cheating, the trust will never come back, and it shouldn't. He is a cheater and will probably do it again. You deserve to be happy, so why not? I wish you strength.