So far I am taking way more than a week between each session, and I know this is OK. I think it would be better if the "how was your week?" section of the session acknowledged that the period since your last session might be more like 3 or 4 weeks, and if the "best day" and "worst day" questions acknowledged this. As it is, I just keep it in mind and answer as best I can.
No. The activity schedule is just one step in the program and do your best to keep up with it. If you have trouble remembering to complete your activity for the day, looking at your schedule and planning ahead may help. You may also find it helpful to find alternating pleasant activities to use when life gets hectic.
The DC Support Team
On another note, due to extenuating circumstances recently, I have not been keep up with my Activity Schedule properly. So, does it matter if there are gaps in it?
Absolutely take your time! It is important to go slow and progress through each session.
Good for you!
The Depression Center Support Team.
Hi All,
Just wanted to find out if it was okay to take longer than 16 weeks to complete the Depression Program? I myself am slowly working my way through it, doing the homework, but have found that Session One alone has taken me almost 2 and a half weeks. Will I benefit more or less by taking the extra time, as part of why it takes longer is that I am writing my own notes on each session, and in so doing personalising what is written to my own Depression etc.
Thanks for your assistance!