When someone hurts us, it's normal to feel angry. It can also be very difficult to forgive those who hurt us. Remember, forgiveness doesn't mean you've forgiven what they've done, you have just chosen to stop carrying the burden of that hurt.
We encourage you to keep working through the tools of the program. Session 11 focuses specifically on relationships and our mood tracker may help you to see patterns in your emotions.
Hope this helps.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
My recent dip deeper into my depression was spurred by something hurtful that a group of friends did to me. It's been almost a year now and I have cut them out of my life to remove myself from the hatred that spurred from it. I did express my feelings to them and they knew full well the effects, but to no avail.
I have since then tried very hard to overcome this hurt and anger and find forgiveness but have found it a very fruitful search. I am not sure why I haven't found it. I've tried to take the fogiveness in full conciesness and "trick" myself but still find the hate and anger there.
I don't like the way it feels or how it's effected me, how its tore down my self esteem and made me feel like poison. I don't know how else to over come this. I don't want to live with this hate. I just want to fix it or just not care about it anymore so it doesn't bother me. I don't want it plagueing me.
Has anyone else experienced this? What things have you tried that worked and didn't?