Thanks josie but our pharmacists work different here or seem to.
You just give your prescription in at the counter in the supermarket, go do your shopping then collect the tabs. If you were to speak to a pharmasist its in front of the whole shop and chances are you would never see the sane person twice. We have unfortunately lost our little independant chemists that used to offer a service. Now its all taken over by the big supermarkets.
Our Drs are also only allowed 5 mins each patient to meet goverment targets. Thankfully I have some medical insurance and have a phsychiatrist who I am able to see, usually monthly but tomorrow as an emergency. I will pray hard, and try to write down the things i want to cover with him or i'll just waste the time in tears.
Don't forget to check with your pharmacist and let them know about your reaction. It is important that all of your health professionals have this information.
Josie, Support Specialist
hi gabs,
I do not see where you would be a faileur. You tried a new medication and your body rejected it. You need a medication and the old one was not "bad" (like alcohol would be).
If you were allergic to penicillin, would you be a faileur?
I agree that the old line "pull yourself together" hurts. Been there - felt that. But I have already used it in my young and ignornant days. I thought my father a hopeless faileur for not treating his bi-polar disorder and for not coming back to me. I was young in years, I was young in knowledge. I was young in experience. and your partner? Does you partner have any experience with a mental illness/disorder/problem?
I think the "pull yourself together" comes from a long ago time when depression was not an illness. !?! I mean that people did not know what depression was, did not know what caused it AND DID NOT HAVE ANY RESOURCES TO HELP IT! It comes from a last resort ... to want to help and have no idea how. almost a plea, "please show me what to do to make you better beacause from the outside it looks like you are falling apart inside and I do not have access there"
Don't be so hard on yourself! This isn't your fault. Keep working with your doctor and try to be kind to yourself in the days to come.
Just hold on. This will sort itself out.
Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
Today has been the worst of my life. after the withdrawel from clonazepam and 2 days off meds it was my 1st day on effexor.
Unfortunately had a very severe reaction. Horrific, i was terrified,
I really thought that i was going to die and afraid it would get worse.
My partner helpfully told me to pull myself together. If only.
Phoned my consultant who suggested i go to the hospital. I did.
They wanted me to become an inpatient, but have declined. they watched over me carefully, gave again some clonazepam which seems to have brought a little calm. must take more before bed and go back to hospital in the morning. No more effexor. Back to square 1. I feel a failure. have spent the past week going through hell to get off the clonazepam only to have to take it again. Feel its like an alcoholic
not drinking for a week only to be told by his sponser he would feel better if he had a drink. Dont know what to do or think. Tears just keep rolling on. I just want it all to go away.