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for 16 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You're right gabs, people don't know how to react to you when you do say no...and I was told that these people will turn on you because you're not bending to their every beck and call. My husband and I werwe out to dinner with another couple, very casual and our waitress must have been new, well our order was late and cold. I felt bad for her, but my husband said a few choice words to her. I told him to stop and he raised his voice to me infront of everyone. Long story short, I felt embarrassed for the people we were with, I felt bad for our waitress and I was totally embarrased. I just sat there and said nothing and it was like he puffed out his chest and felt that was the right thing to do...bully like right? I apologized to the couple that were with us for him and I thought this isn't right. I have to say something to him for acting like that and talking to me like that. His father is like that to his mother so "monkey see, monkey do". I'm tired of these bullies, I just need to be strong enought and persistent to deal with it or move away. I guess I worry for my kids regarding bullies and their personalities. Two of our boys are quiet shy types, not big talkers and our third is more social and loves to talk about everything. I don't want to see what happened to me, happen to them and have to deal with this stuff now as an adult. Just another thing to add to our list of being parents...things will be fine. Thanks gabs and casey.
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
maggie, you dont have to apologise for anything you post, I think its what we are all here for to share each others experiences and help if and when we are able. It also makes us question ourselves, which is good. As I posted earlier to you i hadnt thought about this much but it is very real for me and is obviously a question i need to deal with myself and have some resentment towards my husband for always living his life. What happened to mine? I think you are quite right when you say we seem to get to an age where we kind of stand up for ourselves. Maybe its more to do with realising that you will not like everybody and you cant make everybody like you no matter what you do. Its important to have friends we like and trust and we know that they will be few and far between. I think I have known this weakness in myself as I have gone out of my way to encourage my daughter to be strong and have her own life outside of others. She has high self esteem and doesn't apologise for herself. If only i had learn't those skills for myself. I am trying now but old habits die hard. Other people dont know how to react to you when you try to stand up to them. They are so used to you blending in. We need to try and change their behaviour towards us as well as changing our own behaviour. Easyior said than done. Good luck.x
for 16 år siden 0 799 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Maggie, Please don't feel you have to apologize for bringing this topic up. As you can see you are definitely not alone in these types of experiences and emotions. Writing about these issues and sharing with others can be very beneficial. Take care and keep us posted on your progress, Casey ___________________________ The DC Support Team
for 16 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm sorry that I brought this up... and I'm very sorry for what you've all been through but I just find it amazing how we were treated or how we treated people affects who we are today. I know that sound so simplistic, but in my situation, I've surrounded myself with strong bulley type people and I am just resenting them all in how they are treating me, (I've allowed them to treat me like that), but I need to set up boundaries and say no a little more often. It's like a light bulb went on, apparently, I'm at the age 43ish where we become independent in a different way and we're finding out who and what is important to us, it's our time. I do have friends who are more like me and what I like in a person and am finding I'm getting rid of the "friends" who like to use me, a very much of a one-way friendship. The only thing is my husband and his family are one of "those" friendships, atleast he's willing to work on our relationship.
for 16 år siden 0 86 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Talk about bullying! I had total hell in school while I was growing up. I only got beat up a couple times, but there was the taunting, the making fun of, the teasing, the leaving me out of everything. I was alone, embarrassed, ashamed, un-confident, etc. Y'know what it always was about? It was about the shape of my head, the brand of my shoes, the way my voice sounded, the way my hair was cut, the brand and kind of clothes. Yep, it was total HELL growing up. I had no friends then and I still don't have any friends. I don't even think I'd know what to do if I had a friend. I'm not sure I could ever trust anybody, not even myself. I'll tell you the truth, I've not thought about it for years, but I keep remembering stuff ever since I started taking Effexor.
for 16 år siden 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi maggie, I know the bullies really well... they all had fun with me, the girls and boys. This was during a very difficult time, when I lived with my father how was ill... and to cope and survive I need to be hypervigilant. I was so emotionally exhausted that I needed to isolate myself to recuperate - and the only time I could do that was at school. So I different there. Also, my school population was very homogenious, everyone else had the same cultural back-ground (italian-canadian), same economic status, same community. I was different on all points and easy to point out! But here I am today. That period still pulls me back to a lot of pain but I am learning that the long ago time should have some healing. And I am doing that now. I am learning that the past is not now and the pain is not now. I am learning to put it aside.
for 16 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You know, when I was speaking to my therapist, she asked me what do I like to do, what is my passion, and I couldn't come up with an answer. You're right, I know what my husband likes and my 3 boys, but I don't know what I really want to do. Is is low self-esteem that is doing this to us, which would then lead onto depression? I'm finding my husband, his family and some of our friends are quite controlling and I think I'm starting to rebel because I'm finding out that I don't like the bullying, the bossing around, etc. Like you, I don't remember when exactly the time it happened, but I think it was over some years from 8-12 and then my Dad got sick, then we had to deal with that. He died when I was 18, so then I had to grow up really fast. I just want to straighten this out. I'm working with the program and a therapist and she seems to be drumming up all kinds of stuff from my past, kind of scary but interesting. Thank you for answering gabs, I do know that we are very sensitive people who do have concern for others, sometimes more that we should. :)
for 16 år siden 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Maggie, I have felt 'left out' for most of my life. Cant remember specific bullying at school but i remember that I never seemed to fit in. Never had the right 'in' clothes etc. It wasn't until i was an adult that i became aware that as a family we were very poor when i was a child and that is why my parents just couldnt afford the clothes etc. i guess this has had an effect on me as i still try to conform to what people think I should be. Who am I? It wasnt until a therapist asked me what I like to do that I really didnt know. Had never thought about it. i couldnt answer the question without saying, oh my husband likes to do this or go here or my son or my daughter. I have defined myself as always being somebodys daughter, wife mother etc. Have never looked out for me as an individual person. Dont know if thats possible now at my age as lots of things I would have liked to have done would have been in my youth. I have learnt to be an invisible person. This is probably why i am so frustrated and depressed. You are not alone. There are a lot of people who feel as you do. Not sure what the answer is but I am trying so hard with the program maybe when i get to the end I will have discovered myself! x
for 16 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I guess I need to vent...I was bullied as a kid and find now that I make sure that everyone is included in a situation and no one is left out, but if this doesn't happen, I do get upset and find this leads to a "sad" day. I just don't like it when you have a kid left out, an adult made fun of or people who take advantage of you or a situation you're suppose to be in control of. This happened last night and I'm really mad, I wouldn't do anything, but I need to know how not to get upset and therefore not to make me "sad". I felt so left out as a kid, didn't know how to make friends, didn't know how to act around certain people, mostly bullies so I would act how I think they would want me to act. You get to the point where you're not sure of who you are and what's important to you. Anyone feel like that? I get upset with people who do that, I guess I have to learn not to take ownership of that, but it's the others that I feel bad for. I don't know???? I'm just frustrated.

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