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Medlemsgruppe angst

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for 16 år siden 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Depression Hurtz,   Welcome to our support community!   We are not able to diagnose, and only you truly know what is happening with your body. You have gone through a lot of change which can definitly affect your mood and sometimes personality.  If your therapist didn't believe she should diagnose, maybe you should seek a second opinion. Health Units can make referals if you are not sure where find one.   Exercise can help to increase energy levels, have you tried to change your routine?           Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya, DH,
    I would go to a psychiatrist - look up the first Mental Health Clinic in the Yellow Pages. Do the depression questionnaire in here and print it off and then take it with you to show the Psych. 
 Start taking the meds and give them time to work on you (for me, Prozac took 4 weeks to the day!) If you're eating badly change all that right away.
Get stuck into the country life... get to like bridge and herb gardening and get crafty with salads stuff... get involved in some small way with the local village fete/fair..
    Having some company ( not too much, to be sure) is an essential, no??  I hope you love reading? I am seriously thinking about doing a Master's online since I never finished my disseratation back in the 90s.
Get a cell phone so you can have private conversations with the psychiatrist you hook up with (find out if s/he will charge not so much for 15 or 30 mins therapy by phone?)
If you don't want to go the long-distance psych. route then you might have a chat with your local doctor and I'm sure you'll find that s/he is well and truly experienced with prescribing anti-depressants. 
 B&B is a great life. It is very laid back in low season so you have to really design a life for yourself if you're not a natural reader-snoozer-PBS watcher (TV Ontario if you're a Canadian) or you don't get much Zen pleasure from crocheting
or knitting... I was thinking about getting the crochetters around here to sell me their stuff (I was thinking about giving them pure silk to use instead of whatever the hell it is they're using now...) so i could sell it online... "Best laid plans of Mice and Men gang aft agley..."


for 16 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Patrick,
Thanks so much for the advice.  That is exactly what I needed.
I have never taken any kind of medication at all, but have been thinking recently that maybe that is a route I should try.
I am getting close to menopause as I am turning 40 this year, but I am not there yet.
It is actually more like 100+ kms to a bigger city, but I think you have a point that it is really worth it.  I am definately going to give it a shot.
Question though...what kind of clinic do you think I need to go to.  Just a general practisioner or some other specialized clinic?
I look forward to hearing what other suggestions you have and again I am so glad you answered me. 
I really appreciate it!!
for 16 år siden 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, DH...
 Tell me - have you ever taken SSRIs? It seems to me that you might get a lot of help for the explosive anger if you were keeping some of the serotonin
floating around your brain.  I was like that for many year also before i discovered Prozac; I could not control my temper and felt righteous in my angry fits
( I felt 'everything' was 'stupid' - except me!) - the phrase "so angry I could spit" and "fit to scream" were very apt but very embarrassing after the fact also!
Even now, deep stress put me right to the edge of explosion so I work hard to avoid those situations.
      Are you anywhere near menopause?   I live out in the boonies also but if I were you I'd drive 50 klms away to a bigger city to see a psych who could prescribe
some SSRIs and maybe some talk therapy to boot.
   I've got more to say about your post, DH, but I have to go right now... be back later to pontificate some more (lol)!!

for 16 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I see that half of my post didn't show.  I guess I talk too much.  Anyhow here is the rest.

Then the vibrating in my body subsides but then it is too late and I have either broken something, hurt myself (like my hand) or have hurt someone else. 

So far I have been lucky and I haven’t seriously hurt anyone.  I seem to be able to restrain myself .to just pushing people.

But it still is not a good thing and then I have created embarrassing situations and I feel bad about it and I get extremely depressed and down about myself.

I have always thought it was just an anger management thing, but although I have read self-help books on the subject, nothing has helped.


I have noticed that both the crying and the anger really manifested itself about a week before my period. 

My husband jokes about it and after an anger or crying episode, he asks what time of the month it is and then goes 'Oh now it all makes sense'.

I know he thinks it is funny, but lately my episodes are getting worse and it really is affecting my relationships with people.

In fact, I had a bunch of anger episodes this weekend and did some embarrassing things and have put a strain on my relationship with my husband, brother in law and my neighbours. 



for 16 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi All,

I haven't been to a doctor to be diagnosed yet, but I did take the depression test and it definitely said I was depressed.

I have read a lot of articles about depression including the ones from this program.
I have also read a lot of the postings under this message board, but I am so confused and I am not sure whether or not I really am clinically depressed. I seem to have a few of the symptoms described in the articles, but they are so vague that I am still unsure as to whether I am truly depressed or whether it is something else.

I was wondering if I told you about myself and what my symptoms are, whether you could give me your opinion.
I know that I should probably go to a professional to get diagnosed, but I don't have a doctor that I trust enough to tell my problems to.
I have read a lot of the postings at the Depression Center and feel like you all are suffering just like me, although in different ways, but at least I feel I can trust you.

I should mention that I have been to see a therapist, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with me. But that was a long time ago. Although I have to admit I am the same person now as I was then so why didn’t she diagnose me then? Who knows?

Okay, so here it goes:

I am about to turn 40 this year and within the last year have totally changed my life.
I went from working in the computer industry to being a Bed and Breakfast owner/operator.
I also went from living in a major city to living out in the country where the closest town is a VERY small community.

I have extremely low self-esteem and have been that way since I can remember.
I have never felt that I was good enough or worthy of anything.
In fact I have sabotaged a few relationships including a marriage because I was sure that the other person was going to leave me at some point anyhow.
Even when I do good things I don't feel like I deserve the praise.
I have been told many times about how good I am at this or that, but I always disagree.
I don't have many friends and definitely don't have anyone I trust enough to talk deeply about my feelings and that includes my current husband.
I know I have a problem with self-esteem but I never associated these problems with depression until now.

I have always been slow to do things that I don't particularly want to do, but lately it is getting really bad and I procrastinate on almost everything.
I always thought that it was because I was lazy, but now I am beginning to think it might be because of lack of energy.

I am kind of a perfectionist and like things to be in its proper place, but lately I just don’t have the energy to keep on top of things. My house has never been so cluttered and unorganized in my life.

I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night but I still feel extremely tired all day long all the time.
Then I tend to sleep even more. But the more I sleep, the more tired I feel.
I just can't seem to get rid of the tired feeling.

I have extreme mood swings. And I do mean EXTREME!
I have bouts of crying fits where I just get overly emotional and any kind of sad thing sets me off.
And my anger episodes (as I call them) are off the charts. And I can get angry over such little things.
And when I do have an anger episode, it really does take over. I read on one of the postings about someone who was angry and she felt like it took over her body.
Well, that is exactly how I feel. It is like I am another person and I just go nuts!
My whole body vibrates and it doesn't get released until I hit something or I exert some type of force, like slamming a door.
Then the vibrating in my body subsides but then it is too late and I ha

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