Now that I've read the other posts I can relate. I do a bit of both though. I think that the depression exacerbates my physical illnesses, when I have a cold, the flu or a symptom of something, I start to panic....go to the doctor, often times, she tells me, it's a virus and I have to ride the storm and give me a whole host of meds to alleviate the symptoms. I don't end up taking them....I think I'm taking enough stuff for my liver and kidney's to process. I recently had an issue with my stomach swelling and other things, went to the doctor, ended up in the gastroenterologist office, wanted to do a bunch of tests, I went AMA. I got to thinking about it and knew I'd had the problem before, it wasn't anything to be concerned about, started watching my diet and spicey foods and guess what - a miracle! I am trying to learn to rationally think things through before going to my doctor, am going to discuss it with her the next time I see her and get her insight, thoughts, whatever. I also have found a good indicator of things getting blown out of proportion in my head is when I am going to the doctor frequently or seeing different specialists. I make sure I get an annual physical from head to toe, complete with blood work, the gynecology thing and other recommended annual tests for people my age. I think the physical things are exacerbated by the depression and the depression is exacerbated by the phyisical stuff.....vicious circle, and I am determined to stop it! I don't know if this falls under negative core beliefs or not????