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for 14 år siden 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi furgittit,
I'm sorry that you were not able to show your doctor the letter you wrote. Have you taken the WB-DAT yet?  This test (WB-DAT) was designed to help your mental health professional in their diagnosis of depression or anxiety. If you have already done it, you can do it again and when you have finished the test you can either print your final report or email your Final Report directly to your mental health professional.
We are here for you furgittit, post often, check in soon. 

Samantha, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Annie Girl,  I am completely with you on the ammunition and what so called friends will do.  I have basically detached myself from face to face friendships because, I have more on my plate and sharing with "friends" is not always a good thing.
On the other hand what was your experience in the psych ward like?  Did you get some helpful help?
Thank you all who have replied to my thread.  I am still hanging in there and I have chickened out about showing my doctor what I had written.  I just had 5 days off in a row (my own thoughtful planning, vacation).  I took this time to prepare my home for when I may be away.  I made sure my desk at work was clean and empty of work and any of my belongings.  I cleaned everything at home from top to bottom, I made sure the yard was tidy and all yard tools were easily accessible.  I made sure that all of our food was packaged and organized for easy access for my family.  I had planned to show my doctor my letter yesterday when I went to see her, but I couldn't, I hadn't completed everything first, I still need to clean my van and fill out the monthly bankruptcy papers, can't leave anything undone, so no-one can complain that I am slacking if I am put in the hospital.
Now I am back at work and don't know when I will have another opportunity to present my letter to my doctor.
My thoughts and feelings have not changed, I have learned to accept that this is how I am always going to feel and have accepted that this is just how life is going to be for me.  Poor, poor, pitiful me.  I love that song.
for 14 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your suggestions on talking to a close friend/relative who will just listen and not judge.  I tried that for quite a while (over 2yrs) and it not only backfired in my face but these so called "best friends" don't want anything to do with me anymore! (i tried to end my life and served 3wks in phsyc ward in hospital)  Now I feel even more depressed as they both have "amunition" to blackmail and make my life miserable (even more than it is).  The part that really sticks with me is that while they were in "crises" (divorce, issues etc)  I was there, but when I needed them they deserted fast! I feel used and asked myself what did I do wrong?  I have told myself "once a doormat, always a doormat", but I think at my age its time to stop. 
I am grateful for my understanding and supportive family, although they do not always understand, they give me space when I desperatly need it.  So be cautious, even after a 20-25 yr friendship, they may not turn out to be who they say they are, so now I know, I have acknowleded it, and I can move on.
for 14 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What an absolutely frustrating situation for you. Please keep pushing for help. I am confident that you will get it if you just don't give up. I have a tendency to just accept what the doctors tell me and slink away, feeling let down. I am really working on being bolder and not taking no for an answer.  Help is out there; sometimes it just takes a little while to find it. My family doctor (who is only a physicians assistant) has told me a number of times to call her directly if I am ever feeling like a danger to myself. Of course, I have never called (fear of hospitalization I think), but I feel reassured that she made the offer.
Like you, when I have thoughts like that, I appear very calm and still and rational on the outside. Maybe doctors only think people have to be out of control when they feel like that, but I know different. In fact, when I am upset or out of control, that is when I would be least likely to do anything because my emotions are an attempt to reach out for help. But when I get calm and still, then I have turned inward, focusing on my own thoughts. Maybe doctors should study this phenomenon more so they can be more attuned to when a person is in true danger of hurting themselves. If I was ever taken into the emergency room, I could totally see myself calmly sitting there, reading a magazine or watching the movies they play, contemplating my own demise. Creepy to think about really. Thankfully, the current meds I am on have helped with that whole issue, but I remember how it was before I was on meds. Bad, bad times.
Your letter sounds very, very good. I like how you logically explain everything and give concrete examples of what is causing you pain in your life. Definitely take this letter with you to any doctors’ appointments. Maybe the letter can speak for you when you can't (I freeze up and forget everything at the doctors, so I like the idea of a letter).
Sometimes the calmness I show (I know it is really more of a fearful distrust and careful watching) seems to send a message to the docs that I don't really need help. But purposely acting highly emotional is just not me. Because of this, I have also been dismissed and patronized by most of my docs (drives me nuts!). I know I am very smart, and I know who I am and what I am feeling (as opposed to someone who just met me for 15 minutes). It is unfortunate that docs treat patients this way. We wouldn't be there if we didn't need help. I remember making that first psych phone call was the hardest I ever made. I think they forget how hard it is for some of us to just reach and out ever look for help in the first place.
You are right. Thinking about death is not healthy (wouldn't it be nice to think of something else all the time!).
When you say you "quit," how did you do that? It sounds like you made some sort of positive change in your life? Maybe?  Or was it negative?
Sometimes, when I am completely stressed out by home life (why is it that our home life and family seem to be the major/main source of our stress?), I call a relative with no kids (like my older brother) and go stay there for 1-2 weeks as a decompression time. I know not everyone has that opportunity, but since I do, I take advantage of it. If I didn't have family, I think I might get a tent and go hide at a campground somewhere. Often, when I return, I am appreciated more since I was not there to do everything. I think, maybe if I was yelled at and came home to a scary, messy house, I just wouldn't come back at all. My own health and life is more important than serving selfish, ungrateful people. I would just have to set duty aside to be able to survive.
Please stay in touch and let us know how your doctor/doctors react to the letter. Hang in there!
for 14 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Goofy and Samantha.
On the suggestion of printing off and taking with, I had started a letter (a couple of weeks ago, when things were really bad) before and would like other people's input on whether it is understandable and sufficient to take with me to a health care provider (this is the letter I did that I was going to take with me to emergency and hand to the nurse).  Please read this and tell me what you think.
Thank you.
I have come here today to make another attempt at getting my mental health in order.  I am hoping that my efforts will be taken seriously and proper, respectful and sufficient help is provided to me, for me, as an individual and not just another person to be put in a box with other people, sort of like me.
My mind has been spinning out of control, and I do not know what to do about it.  Everytime I seek help, I am turned away, ignored, or dismissed, or those that are supposed to support me, make it more difficult for me to get my head on straight.  I start to see a light and then life throws me back down the dark alley that I have been journeying down.  I could choose to pursue that light, but it is so much easier to make life easier for those I love and those that "know" instead of fighting for myself.  This sounds extremely selfish and I have been battling my sense of duty with my sense of selfishness all of my life.  The battle always ends the same, duty wins out over my own well being.
I love my family and I want for them to succeed and be happy.  This sense of duty is robbing me of my own happiness.  I have read that people with Borderline Personality Disorder are viewed as manipulative by many.  I am not trying to be manipulative, I am trying to actually get some help.  If I must harm myself to get this help and be taken seriously by my family and health care professionals, then that is what I will do. 
I don't believe it is normal or right to think about death, and various ways to go about achieving death, all day every day.  I don't believe it is normal or right to begin to feel a little accomplishment towards getting my head on straight, just to have my family, friends and healthcare providers appear to do everything in their power to keep me from obtaining my goals (my definition of a goal is something that I strive to obtain, but end up having to give up because it interferes with everyone else's ideas with what I should achieve for them).  For example, I worked all day, went to the group program at the University at night (not that I really wanted to attend this program as it was not what I had hoped I could get into, which was true, it turned into the same thing as usual everyone else's needs/wants came before mine, I could not get a word in when I tried to speak, I was bullied and made to feel less than equal by the therapists, my desire to change and get help seemed to mean nothing, I asked for help with the anxiety and they would not help me, except to say keep going (I believe they did this just to keep additional funds coming into their program) things will get better, that's it stiff upper lip and so on), and I would come home after 10:00 p.m. at night to a dirty house, and angry husband and my own exhaustion.  So to stop this cycle of nauseau, anxiety, exhaustion, antagonizing my family, I quit.  Life was much less complicated.
I did not feel better, but everyone else seemed to be much happier.  I have done this since I was a child, do for mom, do for dad, fetch this, get that, hide away from the yelling and screaming.  Take the blame for Lbecause she is the sick one.  Do better, work harder, don't stop.  Take pity on your poor mom, she is sick, injured or lame all
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I would suggest you take what you just typed along with your mood chart (and if you've not been doing it, start everyday - writing down how you feel - this will help them to understand).  You might also take along the test that you can take on this site and make any other notes you'd like to - and present that.  Explain that you don't seem to be able to get your point across adequately enough to get the proper treatment (I didn't say you can't get your point across - just that they don't get it).  I take those things with me when I see my psychiatrist and my therapist.  Psychiatrist every time and therapist about once a month or so.  Depends on what we are working on.  I don't seem to be able to remember every thing that is pertinent and this way, I have a record and they have a record.  My records help me see progress!  

Hang in there, know we are here for you.  I hope you find the help you need soon!  I hope my suggestions can help in some way!  
for 14 år siden 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi furgittit,
Thank you for checking in. No need to apologize for not being around here as much, continue to read through the posts and post when you feel you can. Remember, that we are always here for you and you can share your thoughts with us at all times. It sounds like you would benefit from talking to someone about what you have been feeling. I know you said you have tried numerous options, do check out your local community health center to find out if there are other options out there for you.  Have you tried talking to a family member or friend? Find someone that you can trust and open up to them. If you can't open up to a family member it may be advisable to try your local crisis line, I know you have had bad experiences in the past but you might have a better outcome this time.

Members, what are your suggestions? 

Samantha, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, I have been checking the posts but could not bring myself to respond to anyone.  I have been in the funk, where you make plans.  My plan is now complete (except the follow through).  I know I need some help, and I know I need a break, I know I should tell someone, but am really frustrated that I never seem to get the help I need when I ask, beg or plead for it.  And then there is the sense of duty to others, can't be away because family and work still needs to be taken care of, everyone else, needs the holiday, everyone else needs the sick days, everyone else needs me to do something for them.  The whole world feels like it will collapse, if I even take a second to breath for just me.
I don't even know that it is possible to get the help that will help me without some gesture on my part.  I have gone to my doctor, I have tried mental health clinics, crisis lines (they only seem to be helpful if you are experiencing a complete meltdown and can't think clearly) I have tried everything except what we should not mention.
I am strangely calm right now, and am thinking clearly and the confusion and desperation have disappeared, and am curious if I would even be taken seriously if I were to walk into Emergency and say "hey I am having some really bad thoughts and want to act on them right now, I will just sit and wait in the waiting room until you find someone to help me."  No tears, no meltdown, just crazy little me, sitting patiently waiting.
Does anyone have any safe suggestions to get my point across to the professionals that I need more than what I appear to need. (I know that doesn't make sense, but it does make sense).
Sorry, a little long winded there but I am hoping that a few suggestions may help me over this strange spot in my craziness.
Thanks all.
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Furgitt, sounds like you have a lot going on right now.  I know you can keep things in perspective, take it one situation at a time and remember to be grateful.
I don't see it as whining.  It is great to let it out and glad you feel comfortable sharing with us.  Keep us posted.
for 14 år siden 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wrote a long response to your post, and was about to hit send when I had a session time out.  The whole letter was lost.  Mods, is there a way to make that be longer? 
momma F., I will try again tomorrow.  Suffice to say that I feel for you.

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