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Self-Introduction and Some Questions

for 15 år siden 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi KC.
Welcome to the site and the forums.
There are a lot of treads here and more questions than you know...  THe first I am going to ask is to explain your depression.
As a teen we live our emotions very srongly and are SUPPOSED learn to vary the intensity.  We do not all do that ... I did not I had other survival skill to keep me busy... so perhaps the first thing is to know if you have depression or a mood disorder... or a lazy thyroid, or some other chemical imbalance that is making things worse.    Adolecence is when everything starts up and really fast, so it sometimes takes a while for the different parts of us to catch up, and there is nothing wrong with that.  A visit to a general practictioner and a few simple tests should put you on the right path ... quickly if you have not been there yet (and regular check-ups if you have, with someone you can talk to).
I mention someone you can talk to for a reason!  A doctor, a soc-worker, a therapist, a councilor... because there are some hints in the way you phrase things that makes me think of some friends of mine.  THey were not bipolar like me. They were not depressive at all ...!  They had specific social phobias and with some group help at becoming less sensitive to particular stimulii things got better real quick.  And as a teen social phobia is a bigger hinderance in the develepmental areas as you pointed out.  So with a social phobia the depression is a symptom that keeps coming back because the real cause is never taken care of... (whereas  for me the anxiety was a reoccuring symptom of my bipolarity)...
OF Course this is just how I "hear" your voice from this one post... by getting to know you better we all will have a better understanding of each other.  SO PLEASE, come often and talk....
for 15 år siden 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing this story and your experience with us.
Dealing with relationships and the feelings involved can be a very difficult process. However, you have taken the first step by coming here and sharing while seeking support from others. You mentioned that it may be necessary for you to talk to this girl about your feelings. Have you thought about why you would like to have this conversation with her? How will this conversation help you? Often feelings from past relationships can affect the way we view and process new interactions. Are these feelings for this girl burdening you or limiting you in other relationships? Begin to reflect on how your feelings for this girl has affected other aspects of you communicating with other girls. This may increase your understanding and own self-awareness of this process.
Developing as a person and becoming your own is a life-long process, often we do not realize all of our own accomplishments and how far we have come because we forget about the journey and only focus on the end results. Take some time to think about how you have changed or developed in the last 15 years. What is the same? What is different?
Although you mentioned that you don't talk to people about your feelings, is this something that you would consider trying? Often those close to us have insight into our own actions and behaviours and perhaps one of your friends can share some ideas or suggestions on how you are currently coping.
Achieving goals is another difficult process. Procrasinating on these goals can be common and we often do this because we want to avoid something associated with one of these goals. What is it about these goals that make it difficult to achieve them? Why would you want to avoid completing these goals? It can often take some time to become comfortable with the idea that these goals will be achieved through your own behaviours and actions. By making sure you understand your own goals and what specific tasks need to be done to achieve these goals, they will seem easier to achieve and complete.
Therapists and medication really depends on the person. Some methods work for some, while they don't work for others. It is extremely important that you research all of the possibilities with treatment and consider which route would be easiest for you.
Members, KC has posed a number of important questions in their post. Any of these you could provide some insight on? What has your experience been with the questions KC asked? Please share!
Sarah, Health Educator
for 15 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, guys.
I joined this website two weeks ago, and now I'm doing session 3. Wanted to introduce myself and share some problems I have.
Here is my story. I've been depressed for about 7 years, since the time I was a teenager (now I'm 25). The main reason of my depression is relationships with girls. I couldn't get a girlfireind I liked. I could become friends with a girl, but I couldn't say that I liked her or become closer. For example, there was a girl I liked a lot, and we were really close "friends" for several years (!), but I couldn't tell her anything about my feelings. And then she got a boyfriend. I was really disappointed, but in two months I got a scholarship to study abroad, and I went to a completely different country. With a completely different language and culture. I thought, it could get me a relief. I was trying to study hard at the time, but at one point I realized, that all I do has no sence, doesn't matter how much I achieve in sudies or work, it will not make me any closer to my goals. And that's when I felt into severe depression. After coming to this country, I made a girlfriend in two-weeks time, but I didn't really like her, and kept thinking about that girl back home. So I became very lonely in this new environment. Although I wrote about my feelings to the girl I liked, she rejected me. And then she married another guy. But actually, she told me, that there was time, when she liked me, and if I was a bit faster, then... We sometimes met with her again, and we still exchnge mails sometimes, but we touched this topic only in mails, never in personal conversations. So, I felt myself a real coward, and I hated myself, and I still have this feeling. Although much time passed, I think it will be nescessary for me to talk to her about this. And I have to conquer the complex of communicating with girls I like.
So, I have several concerns. First, because I had a depression for a long time, and in the peroid of life, when you are supposed to develop youself, I think, in many things I still think like a 15 year-old. And I don't know what to do to develop myself. Second, usually, I don't talk with people about these feelings, and I pretend to be nice and happy. I want to talk with somebody about this, but I hesitae to talk about this from my friends, because I dont want to tell them, that I was hiding something for such a long time. I have really smart friends though, and maybe I would feel better if I talk to somebody.
Third, when I started session 2 in this program, the first couple of days everything went smoothly. On the first day I could take myself up from the bed, do yoga, clean up my room, visit a doctor with a skin problem, buy new clothes, go to spa. I felt really good in camparison to what I felt before. I also did on pleasant activity per day, usually going to spa or sitting outside in the sun, reading a book. But then I faced the goals, which are directly related to the causes of this depression. For example: to say something to a girl I don't know; to call the girl I liked before and talk about things, etc. And I constantly procrastinate these things. Is there something I can do to make it easier to achive there goals? (I know, that I have to brake them into smaller steps)
And I have several more questions. Can I try to fight depression on my own or do I have to find a hterapist.? Because, frankly speaking, I don't believe therapists. Maybe there are some good ones, but there are some bad onesas well, who can make it only worse. That's why I prefer doing something on my own, because in this case I can decide, what's good and what's bad for me.
Do you think taking medication is nescessary? I would really not like to. The reason is that I don't

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