Well, I don't have news to share lol. but I am curious for the future. as an anxious person I am a notorious overthinker and over planner.
I have had allergies to many anti-depressants and adverse reactions to many psychotropic medications. Lately I have just found something that is starting to work and help me. But it is a class C medication. As such, I was curious about that med and pregnancy. Heck, all the meds I take but one are category C... and well, I have no news to share but I do like to be careful .
I did speak to my doctor and I spoke to motherrisk. But I guess I wanted someone else point of view :)
Is there a particular medication you are inquiring about?
Most medications are to be avoided during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. Your pharmacist would definitely have the right answer, depending on the type of medication and what it's being used for.