That is great that you are enjoying the program. You should feel very proud of yourself for taking steps to improve.
It sounds like you have a good idea of what you should be working on. Have you tried discussing your concerns with a career counselor? He/she may be able to give you advice you haven't thought of yet. Remember your number one concern should be your health. If you recognize that certain situations are making you depressed you need to take action to resolve that. Whether it be making actually life changes or though process changes, something needs to be done.
Keep up the great work and let us know how you are doing.
I have been following the online program which I am founding fantastic and I have already starting feeling some improvements in my condition. I noticed also some patterns in my depression. I tend to get more depressed when I work too many hours. Also in one day I can go from feeling great to feeling like crap. Generally I am very professional at work but when I get depressed I am another person and do not work properly.
I am not feeling happy at my work because I am in a dead end job. Where I live (not an urban area) there aren't many new job opportunities and I started a part-time business hoping to go full-time. The problem is with my job and the business I work too many hours. Working too many hours leads to worsen my depression. And I can not leave my job because my part-time business do not provide me with the income needed to pay the biils. I feel traped...