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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Diva news...

for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
glad you're back wildcat - been lonely around here - not ready to start anything new
for 15 år siden 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
Sorry I could not rely sooner...  web problems.
I do have those swings every once in awhile!  And you know,  They are part of your voice, a part of the way you express your self. 
 I know that sometimes the energy builds and pushes you along to the realms where you can get into trouble! and ...  that is another story.  but please do not censor voice. and do not apologise when you need to release a whole bunch of ideas at the same time.  we will work them through together, i am sure.
for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i know! i would do an endorsement for this drug without any qualms - can't say that about much - Dove soap, Edy's fruit bars, Starbucks.....plus it's generic and inexpensive as far as that goes, that sure matters to alot of people!   
for 15 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
klonopin is my life saver!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Rose,
Well feel free to ramble anytime! Clonazepam, yeah I get calmer without being like a zombie too so that is good. As for the anti-depressant I think it is good you are finding what works for you. It is important to try different thing until you find what really works for you. Me, I did not find any anti-depressants that really worked for me. Being allergic to SSRIs certainely limits my options. And the older generation ones, well too many side effects. So I have kinda given up on the whole anti-depressant thing! But oh well! I am glad the jaw clenching and all that went away quickly. And glad that it is so far so good for you this week! Let me know how the new combo works for you. And I think it is great how open minded you are about trying new things and being proactive about what you want!
for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey again, anytime! i feel a ramble coming on, too - any day now! yes the klonopin, i have to say really works, keeps me calm but not zombie-like. also take lexapro, which works fine for me too, better than the paxil did. shrink (the good one) also put me on wellbutrin 3 days ago because of the sex issues - he cut the lexapro in half and added the wellbutrin which doesn't have that effect. so i'm a guinea pig this week, so far so good. btw the 2 antidepressants all 3 chemicals involved in depression i have covered, so we'll see. i really don't mind this experimentation - i guess i would if i had ill effects. only problems noted and they went away within a couple of days was the jaw clenching and a slight dizziness.
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lol wow I got cut off!
Was saying thank you for giving me challenging, kind and supportive replies! Thanks for the support!
for 15 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Goofy,
Thanks for what you said. I felt so silly and sheepish I needed that and you are right!
Hey Karen,
Thanks for the reply and the reassurance. It really helped.
Hey Rose,
Thanks for making me feel better about my rambling!
Maybe I am sabotaging myself. I do not know. But I will definetely think on it and try and figure it out! But yeah, I have been told different things by different doctors. I have even had psychiatrists do diagnosis on me and give me meds without giving me a clear idea of what their diagnosis of me was! As for the diagnostic, I am not so much sick of it as i find it unimportant. All I find important is learning tools that will enable me to feel good and happy . Oh and yes, that psychiatrist did tell me I was too screwed up to ever get off medication. He said it in french but it boiled down to that! I think he is the one who needs meds! Bugger him, numbskull! and yes, that is like that psychologist and what he told you. Btw, that was not a great thing for him to say, to say the least!
As for clonazepam, I am glad it helps you so much. Do you also take an anti-depressant? If so which one? Me I have clonazepam for anxiety and zopiclone for sleeping. The clonazepam is PRN and the zopiclone is supposed to be once a night.For now I have been taking it. As for my liver or kindeys, I didn't even think to worry about my liver or kidneys. I don't drink at all and I don't take enough meds to feel particularly worried lol. And yes, clonazepam works well for me also. I get good results with not too many side effects. I am glad it helped you get your anxiety under control. I am sorry to hear your anxiety was so bad. I understand that. I have suffered from generalized anxiety disorder and Panic disorder with agoraphobia since my early teens. Some people are depressed and it makes them anxious. I am mostly anxious and it drives me to depression lol. If you know what I mean. So I totally get the whole anxiety being out of control thing. Therapy helped with the anxiety. and so did the Panic Center. The program there is great! I am also sorry to hear your anxiety felt like mania and that you are afraid to be  bipolar. Have you spoken to your doctor or therapist about it? Me, I am not bi-polar. that is at least one worry I do not have. But I do know that states like I was in the other day are not my anxiety either. It feels very different from my anxiety. Sometimes it wears on me and brings anxiety but it is not the same. I wish I had words to explain it. But oh well I don't. I am not sure it is hypomanic either. I was just told it might be. What I do know is how it feels, that it is not anxiety, that I don't feel so much like myself during that state and that I don't know how to describe it lol! The description I gave before in the earlier post is the closest I can get to it.
I am glad to hear you might not need to be on meds for the rest of your life. I do agree with your doctor though that you should wait to feel good and stable before tapering back! As for it being a crutch, so what if it was! The important thing is that it enables you to do the work you need to get better and that is all that matters! It really is. As for having a lot of issuees join the club!
Rose, thank you again for the reply. Thanks for giving me stuff to think about and for challenging me and my ways lol. I appreciate our exchanges. And by trying to explain my views and experiences to you, it enables me to put them into words and try and understand them and myself better. So thanks for reading my lenghty post and for giving me cha
for 15 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

dear diva, and goofy, too - yes, let's keep this going. don't apologize diva for any of it.....but ya know it seems to me you are sabatoging yourself. you're sick of all the diagnosis/meds - one doctor says one thing, another says another thing......did that one really said you were too screwed up and would always have to take meds? wow - like the psychologist who told me i was so entrenched i would never not be depressed. i take the clonozapam, too (or klonopin) 3x a day. have been for about 2 months now, before i had only taken antidepressant (paxil). for me, the klonopin has had the best effect i have noticed by far. i'm not so worried about my liver or kidneys cause i quit drinking - i think that more than makes up for it or i hope anyway. i wish i had discovered this years ago, would have saved myself and alot of other people alot of grief because - now looking back - my anxiety was really out of control. your description of hypomania is how i describe my anxiety. i keep thinking i have bipolar spectrum something or other. my doctor actually gave me hope last week that i may not have to take meds for the rest of my life - he said if i was stable i.e. functioning, working, relatively happy for a year and a half  we could taper down and see what happens from there. so i view the drugs as a daily crutch or brace right now that i really need to enable me to work on the behavior and relationship problems and this and that and so and so forth....you get the picture, i have alot of issues

for 15 år siden 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well said Goofy.  Diva, no need to apologize for anything, this forum is here for you so that you may get all the support needed

Karen, Health Educator

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