Hi Everyone:
I hope you all had a good evening and ready for tomorrow. I know the grounding
strategies and the different types which is mental, physical and soothing.
However, members I have an issue that I know intellectually what to do for
grounding, but I in such a whirlwind, nothing seems to calm my mind. I
understand why we ground, guidelines for grounding, ways of grounding,
even what to do if it does not work. Which is PRACTICE, PRACTICE,
and they advise to ground when you are not in panic or crisis.
What are some ways that members ground? Mental is focusing your mind,
by describing your environment in detail, read a word backwords, play
categories like types of dogs, ice cream, color of rainbow etc.... Mental
is distracting your mind on something else.
Physical is focusing on our 5 senses of touch, hearing, seeing, tasting, ______?
Digging your heels into the floor, touch objects such as a stone, ring etc...
Be aware of you sitting in the chair, wiggle your toes, grab your chair tightly.
Soothing is talking to yourself in a very kind way. For me, this is foreign, but
I am starting to accept that I do deserve love and attention from me, and I
do deserve self care time. Some ideas as saying kind statements as if you
were talking to a small child. eg: You are a good person going thru a hard time,
you will get thru this. Remember your safe place, and plan a safe treat for
yourself, such as a warm bubbly bath.
Some ideas that effected me if what if grounding does NOT work is:
practice as often as possible, even when you don't need to, so that you'll
know it by heart. Try grounding for at least 20-30 minutes, if one
technique not work, try another one that will. Start grounding BEFORE
the negative mood occurs, such as before a flashback, or anger is
starting to get out of control. One I did NOT know about is, make
up an index card on which you list your best grounding methods
and how long to use them. A "cheat sheet" to help you when you
are delirious or in a whirlwind of emotion.
What are some other members ideas of grounding techniques?
Which grounding techniques have worked for you in the past?
I would be interested in hearing comments, suggestions, etc...
Have a good evening everyone, have a good day tomorrow.