1. My van was towed to my dad's for free, got more stars on Super Mario Galaxy - found out I have multiple cysts on my Right Kidney and left ovary that we have to keep watch over.
2. Driving my neighbour's twenty or thirty something year old Ford Crown Victoria, feel like I am a bad girl driving a pimp mobile in mint green - Van is still down in the dumps.
3. It is snowing again, everything is white and clean, and hubby has to work tonight (snow removal) - Got a needle on the weekend and it hurts like heck.
A little venting and evening out feels pretty good, give it a try.
Instead of the list of Good things, I have come up with a new one for my past weekend. Think of 2 good things that happened for every 1 thing that went the wrong way.
1. Got my groceries and had ice cream from Dairy Queen. My van decided it would try to barbecue itself, with me inside it.
2. Put out the fire and the van still starts. Can't drive the van without starting a fire.
3. My dad will fix the van and pay for the parts. Can't get the van to his place to get it fixed.
4. Made it to work today and got rid of a file I have been dying to get rid of for a long time. I have to get up extra early to take hubby to work tomorrow and leave work when he is done working.