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My Journey Out of the Darkness

for 14 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the positive replies.  It's nice to hear the my posts are making a difference for other people.
"From what I have read it seems that you have a good understanding of your authentic values.  How did you come to these realizations?"
The universe, in my belief system, gives us what we need.  We only need to be open and then we will receive it.
Let me be more specific: when I was diagnosed with depression I had been struggling to maintain a world that just wasn't working for me.  My values were in deep conflict, my body knew this, and it made me depressed.  This is how I have come to understand my depression.  Through counseling I learned to listen to my body, to experience my emotions, even if they are unpleasant.  Previously I just drank my emotions away (bad idea, eh!).  Meditation built on this new emotional knowledge and I learned to quiet my mind.  I didn't need to rationalize my emotions or seek to explain them, I just needed to feel them and to let them go.  I have a special meditation that I do when I am feeling emotional pain and it works so well that once the meditation is completed the pain is gone.  I can actually feel it lift during the mediation. 
This process of feeling really helped me see what works for me and what doesn't.  This is how I got in touch with my values.  However, what I've found and what's really amazed me and changed me from an atheist is that once you start down this path experiences/coincidences keep happening and to me that just can't be random.  Experiences and personal encounters keep happening that lead you on this journey and keep building on what you've learned.  It's truly special.  It's really taught me that I should not label things as good or bad.  During the experience I have no way of knowing what the larger implications will be and therefore I have no way of knowing what the larger ramifications are.  Case in point, my motorcycle broke down (seems bad) but this delayed my voyage and allowed me to meet some truly special people I wouldn't have met otherwise (seems good) and weeks later these people helped me get through some difficult experiences (seems very good).  So, had I labeled the motorcycle experience as bad then I would have created negativity where it wasn't needed.  Therefore, I believe, events just exist, we can experience them, but we should avoid labeling them. 
In summary, finding your values is a process.  Be open to the spirit of discovery and listen to your body.  Your body, in my opinion, knows what's right for you and will help you discover your values. 
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Arizona, somehow I missed your original posts,  welcome to the forum.  I, too, am inspired by your positivity and connection with your inner self, who you are and what you stand for.  It is a pleasure to read your posts and gain your insight into yourself and how you came to these conclusions.  thanks for sharing....I look forward to more....cheers!
for 14 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beautiful!  I love all the richness you give back with the questions we ask.  Truely a joy to read.  I really love your theories on giving back.  Following your values is so important to living a fufilled life.  It is also important that they are your authentic values.  Some people live their life thinking they value some things when really these are values placed on them by others or by society.  From what I have read it seems that you have a good understanding of your authentic values.  How did you come to these realizations?  I ask this because I think it might help others reflect on their own values.
Keep inspiring! Ashley, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"In what ways has living by these new principles helped you? What is the game plan for the next few weeks?"
I'm trying a new way to quote because using the quote button mangled the punctuation in my previous post ;)
Yes, the post was positive and overall life is good.  I am alive!  However, like everyone I have problems and I have challenges, and I have bad days.  This is life.
The cool thing is that by living my values, being love and doing no harm, I am able to connect to something larger than myself and something larger than my petty problems.  By focusing on giving and focusing on helping I move beyond myself. For me, this is essential because it gives meaning to my life and helps me live for something better than me.
My plan for the next week(s) is the same as my plan for the previous weeks.  1. Be grateful for being alive, it's special and it's a miracle. 2. Worship the mother earth and everything that she provides. 3. Do my best to be loving.  4. Do my best to do no harm, when and where I can.  5. Try to approach life and relationships without motive, try to give and not take.
For now, this is all I know.  Meditation gives me the tools to deal with my negative emotions as best I can.
for 14 år siden 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Robyn,
It sounds like you have made some really big discoveries and have been making some really positive changes. You have such a positive attitude and it sounds like you are glowing a special glow today! You know what makes you happy and you've been doing it, good on ya!
In what ways has living by these new principles helped you? What is the game plan for the next few weeks?

Samantha, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think it is wonderful that you want to live by these wonerful new principles. I am glad to have you on the forums. Welcome!
for 14 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Ashley. I do the best that I can, one day at a time. Kind of a cliche but it's true for me and it works. So, who is the person I have to be? My primary focus is 'love'. I need to be love, to embody love. Everyday I have the opportunity to make the world a better place and I have the control and the choice. I try to ensure that my actions embody the spirit of love and that my personal interactions with other people give them strength. Too often in the past I was a taker. I didn't know it, of course, but I always took more from the world than I gave. Now I want to give more than I take. The second main principle of my new life is 'do no harm'. For me this means many different things. For example, when I am out walking I will pick up trash if I see it. Another example is that I've pretty much gone vegetarian as I don't want to support factory farming. Basically, I've created a moral code that is true to me and I do my best to navigate life through this lens. If I perceive something as harmful, I won't do it and if I perceive harm and I can do something about it, then I will. I figure if I embody both of these principles that the universe will give me what I need and that I will live a life without regret and with deep satisfaction that I have made a difference, even if it's only a small one. Cheers, Robyn
for 14 år siden 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Arizona,
 Thank you for sharing with us! Welcome to the forums!
for 14 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Thank you for sharing your story with us.  I love your perspective and strength!  I am sure many members will be inspired by you.
I would love to hear you articulate it; who is the person you have to be?
Ashley, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi everyone,

This will be a long message so you might want to grab a tasty beverage.  I hope you enjoy my story.

I was diagnosed with Major Depression and Anxiety in late September.  Up until this point I had been in a significant and downward spiral.  I had become consumed with darkness, negativity, and virtually every symptom of depression.  It was awful and I had no idea what was happening to me.

My best friend saved my life and saved me from myself.  She and my mother convinced me to get help.  I had been planning to drop out of society, buy a van, and never work again.  It was a very very dark time.

I took a leave from my job on September 26 and I didn't return until last week.  Leaving my job was the best decision for me because I had significant concentration and memory impairment and I believe I was working towards losing my job due to poor performance as a result of my depression.  The process of acquiring my short term disability benefits was fairly straightforward and I was approved with little fuss.  This, however, quickly changed at the 90 day mark and my benefits were terminated without notice.  I've had no success in getting them back, even with the significant support of my psychiatrist.  The removal of my benefits caused a great deal of stress and although my health had improved, this stress caused a complete return of my depressive symptoms.  It took me an additional month to recover from this.
I've used medication (Pristiq), meditation, and yoga to treat my depression.  Yoga and meditation changed me from a devout atheist to a very spiritual person.  Pristiq gave me balance and showed me what it was like to be free of anxiety, something I'd never known before.  I can't believe I felt anxious for most of my life and had no idea. 
On the personal side, my selfish and inconsiderate behaviour has cost me two very important relationships and I'm not sure I can ever get them back.  I've learned some powerful lessons and I believe I can be more considerate and much less selfish.  These are my current goals.  It's heartbreaking to have lost so much but it's uplifting to know that I have a fresh perspective and a fresh start.
Depression has changed my life and I think for the better.  I believe my body gave me this depression so that I could slow down, re-evaluate my priorities, and become the better person I need to be.
If anyone has any questions about my experience I'm happy to share.

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