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for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Update:  Went back to dr. yesterday, rash gone; still dizzy, but not as bad.  I am hopeful that I can attend a weekend event I have planned with some friends from High school.  I've been looking forward to it for a while.  I'm going to drive down there and take a van load from here and meeting others from out of state.  So if I get dizzy someone else can drive.  (Driving and riding make me dizzier). 
I'm still in the downs of depression, but feeling better physically seems to make it seem more manageable.  Thought I had the sleep straightened out, but will keep working on that!  lol, might not be a bad thing when it comes to this weekend catching up on 30 years with some people I havent' seen since then.
Anxiety still high.  But I'm hanging in there with that, as with the depression, it seems more manageable. 
I hope it stays this way all day, so I can go in and teach my class this evening.  :) 
It seems this sounds more positive than before!  The Dr. discussed going back to an ENT and I ask her if there were any new treatment for Meniere's Disease and she said no, I figure what's the point.  We know what it is, treating it the best we can. 
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't know exactly what I can do that is fun when I am dizzy.  I don't walk straight, can't drive, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, decreased hearing, all the worsened concentration stuff.  I watching some TV shows I like I don't normally take the time to watch.  Tai Chi sis supposed be good for balance but not when you are unbalanced.  lol  My vision is effected, so not reading, not that I was reading a hwole bunch to start with.  Sleep has improved yipee!  Tahnk goodness, am so grateful!!!!!! 
I'd take any suggestions of things to do.  Found a Meniere's support blog on computer; trying to learn from there.  Post find support and people who go through it too, I know you all know the benefit of that.  Norman Vincent Peale, trying to implement.  Hate the depression, hate the dizzy!  This too shall Pass (love that Diva).
Thanks for listening Strength and if you got any ideas, send 'em my way.  I'm not very positive and or creative when I'm like this.  I want to go to wrok, landscaping and the center! 
for 14 år siden 0 217 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Goofy,
Brutal experience with the dizziness! You need to get out of the house and get rid of that cabin fever! Do something you love that won't affect your dizziness! We are here for you and I am really hoping this gets cleared up soon! 

for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

omgosh, woke up this morning dizzy as last week, rash still not totally gone.  Did do a little research and found out histamines can affect Meniere's disease as well as dopamine and serotonin.....hmmmm!  I guess the histamine (when you scratch you release histamines and with a rash histamine levels go up, per my Dr and the info I read).  I don't know why I'm looking for an explanation, except that this is the first time in a long time, I've been dizzy, dizzy, then not so dizzy, then dizzy dizzy again.  Said prednisone would make me more depressed, but necessary.....she was right.  The valium is helping with the sleep, sort of, if I augment it - I don't want to get fussed at - something (just a little).  The rash in my eyes and behind the right ear (the side effected by the Meniere's) still isn't looking as good as my back.  I'm still house bound. My son comes by and checks on me, brings me food (can't cook if you can't stand up and it is a risk of getting burned).  The Meniere's makes word retrieval worse, concentration, coordination, confusion, focus worse....that is there anyway so I'm not having many convsations.  Typing is difficult too.  Takes a long time to type this much and you be able to read it....thanks so much for listening....I'm still riding the waves, but getting tired of it.  Computer is difficult to work on it too.  I'm going on 8 days with the rash and since last Wed with the dizzy, called off work today, go to dr. again tomorrow.  headaches still there...wonder if side effect of prednisone and/or valium.  Oh well.  rattling, bored, and have cabin fever. 

for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, the rash is dissipating slowly.  I don't have whelps, just red spots, best I can see as is all on my back and behind my ears.  I do have headaches.  The valium, I think have helped somewhat with the dizziness but the dizziness could have already run it's course.  Who knows?  I know it is helping with the sleep....hmmm, klonopin and valium are both benzo's, same dosage????  Is it in my head (another pun)?  I don't know if the headaches are from the prednisone or not????
Still some dizzy but would feel comfortable driving, got that tinnitus and the pressure, so wouldn't go very far.  Riding in a vehicle makes it worse...
Still stuck in the house dept.  but that's for another post.  Hope I can work both jobs next week. (landscaping and at the Center). 
She said she thought I had the rash in my eyes.  Everyone says they can tell when I am dizzy because my eyes have a certain glazed look.  I thought she was just talking about that.  but they are itchy and gunky (did I make that word up?) and I think she may have been right (shhh, don't tell her I said that).  Anyway,  I'm getting better is the bottom line.  Anxiety high, depression (high or low), crying alot, how's that!  But I'm riding the waves.
for 14 år siden 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Goofy,
That time change can sure create some difficulties with our calendars. I can guarantee you were not the only one who was mislead by the time change in one way or another. It is a good thing you went back and changed all your calendar entries!  

Hopefully your dizziness and the rash will get regulated soon, keep us posted on how that goes. Thank you for the rash update, I enjoyed your "no pun intended". You have a good sense of humour goofy!
Samantha, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, as crazy as it might sound, I think when we set our clocks ahead an hour forward it moved all my calendar times an hour forward, I had approximately 30 entries in my calendar and they were all 1 hour ahead.  That is why I showed up an hour late for my psych appt.  I went back and changed them all to the correct time.  I did make it to therapy and basically said the same thing there I said here.  I just complained about the physical manifestations of depression and anxiety.  Of course, he does get involved in the conversation and we discussed it.  But still had another bi*** session.  He suggested I call the doctor and ask what to do re: the sleep and anxiety.  I didn't waited until after dr. appt today.  Glad I did.  I think it's temporary fix, but I see her next Tuesday and him the following Wed. 
I have been dizzy for three days now.  I need to hire a chauffeur.  I did go to work today and just hung on to the walls when I walked.  It's funny, in a weird sort of way, going to an alcohol/drug treatment facility and walking like a drunk.  Trying to explain why all of sudden your hearing is deminished in the rt side (the side effected).  Anyway I went to the doctor, so left work earlier than scheduled.  I did my one hour report in three hours, but they are understanding as part of the program is mental health.  It's a great place to work when you have Major Depression/anxiety - they are familiar with it. 
The doctor (she) was concerned about the rash, she seemed to think it was in my eyes - though I think my eyes always look the way they did today when I am dizzy.  Behind my ears is swollen and it's not really gone away (hard to see my back, as I live alone).  She said there are whelps (sp?) , I just know it itches.  She said not related to meds, could be from allergies, stress, tick (was in the woods this past weekend and we built a fire) I did see one, but it wasn't attached and of course, that made me do a thorough check.  She didn't find one either.  So sort of rules that out, I guess.  I've done really good rubbing and not scratching so no sores.  She gave me prednisone shot, prednisone pills and valium (told me not to take the klonopin while on the valium).  Said sometimes valium can help with the Meneire's Disease but also to use it for sleep.  It's a stronger dose and of course, different from Klonopin, she gave me a few to see if dizzy goes away.  I still have tinnitis, the fullness in ears, that weird look to my eyes, and am dizzy.  I hope once I do get to sleep, I sleep long.  She said the prednisone can have a side effect of depression when I quite taking it so to be prepared (oh boy).  I think knowing it's coming will help (I hope). Anyway, I go back Tuesday and we will re-evaluate things then.  I am hoping I don't need a chauffeur by then.  If I do, gonna pay someone.  Friends are great but......
Oh she also told me the prednisone will cause me to be a bit more hyper....great - it goes just great with anxiety.  However, as Rebbie said and Diva signs off - this too shall pass.  I like that saying.  I had that on my screen saver at one time, long ago. 
Anyway, there's my rash update (pun intended).
for 14 år siden 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The rash does not sound good .  Be sure to get it looked at and tell us what you find out.  I am sorry you have not been feeling too well.  Keep posting.  We are all here listening.
Rebbie, that quote is Diva's signiture! 

Ashley, Health Educator
for 14 år siden 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Awww.   Goofy.   I'm so sorry you're having a bad time of it right now.   I know how frustrating it is to have one good day (or, for instance, your outing last weekend) and then fall down and start struggling to get up again.   It's very discouraging, but to those of us who have been trudging through this depression maze, we know we'll feel better again.   It's just waiting to see when.    There are so many issues to take into account as you're well aware, your physical health is a major one. 
I'm just going on and on and don't know if I'm saying anything helpful, but I just want you to know that I care about you and hope you feel lots better real soon.
Whose words are:   "This too shall pass"    ???  
for 14 år siden 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
wow, things are going down hill physically with the increase in anxiety and depression.  I can't keep anything on my stomach.  Cheese in small amounts seems to work.  Man (Woman) cannot survive on cheese alone.  I've been getting dizzy more frequently - today was one of those days.  I've broken out it a rash that started on my ears (yes my ears) and travels except it is still on my ears and around my hairline.  However, nice new spots come up and others go away.  I've also had a fever and had cold chills (turned my thermostat from 68 to 72!!!!  Itchy instead of Goofy can be my new nickname (though I love Goofy).  I went to see the shrink today for my 4:00 o'clock appt.  Wanted to discuss all this increase anxiety and my belief that the physical issues that have come around (again) are directly related plus the downward spiral of depression.  Also is a rash that can be a side effect of medication I'm on and don't want this rash to be that as needs immediate medical attention.  I did research on the internet and it doesn't look the same.  They said the appt. was at 3:00.  Remember I'm dizzy today so I had to have someone drive me an hour one way to make the appt.  ARGH!  I had to call 4 friends to find one available (thank goodness for good friends).  Anyway, she understood, but still couldn't get first available appt for two weeks.  I hope I don't have my therapy appt. screwed up for tomorrow, gonna call first thing in the morning and hope I'm not dizzy again.  I did call the general practitioner today as the rash is in it's 4th day and not going away.  I can get worked in there on Friday.  I haven't worked since last Monday at the A/D treatment center due to various health issues and going out of town Friday.  I had my son go speak on Bankruptcy law tonight (pre-planned) so he drove me just for my class, taught it and I rode home with him.  I guess an hour is working.  I did work at my landscaping job yesterday.  Thought it would help me sleep as it is labor intensive - no such luck.  Also historically have had issues with the muscles in my neck spasming (from stress) and that is occurring again.  ARGH!
Okay, I'm done bi***ing!    thanks for listening!

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