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Ashley -> Health Educator

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Medlemsgruppe depression

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dazed and confused

for 12 år siden 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Because of the stress of "to do" lists I banned it from my life. The only exceptions are for appointments and commitments.
What it is interesting is that I end doing more things without the pressure of a "to do" list.
for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's amazing what we put ourselves through sometimes   The 'clutter' (bills, forms, letters, household chores etc.. ) we often attempt to organize in our lives seems comparable to our state of mind at the time. 
I can understand worry and tension building as the tasks also pile up!  You asked a lot of really good and challenging questions of yourself ~m!  You've proven to yourself you CAN manage your life well and not need to worry that it will never get done - but it will on your own time. 
I often have the best intentions of tackling paperwork and that's usually where it stays for awhile (best intentions!)  I've started a file for my 'to do's'  so at least they are in one place.  As long as I take on a little bit at a time I can manage it.
Will you change your approach to how you tackle such tasks moving forward?  What will you say to yourself if you find those irrational fears and worries creep up?
Hope you get to enjoy a nice quiet weekend after quite the busy week!!
Vincenza, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well ... for Tuesday I had planned to work on the pile up of paperwork on my desk... just 10 min. if that was all I could do.  I was very busy Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... cleaning, washing, cooking, running errands, babysitting.  It was nice to get so much done... but it wasn't what I had planned to do.  I did not tackle the one thing I needed to do.
I had to go back to those CBT questions again... why am I avoiding this task?  Is it laziness? Why is 10 min so daunting?  Try 5 min.  Nope still overwhelming.  Is it fear?  Fear of what?  Is it a rational fear?  Sort of, but not really... turns out I have let bills and things sit and get lost over the past three months or so... plus it's tax time and I've lost all the paperwork.  By accident? Or on purpose?  I just don't want to do it! Why? Fear. Is it rational? Is it a today fear or a longstanding fear.  Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
The more I tried to focus on the task... and couldn't... I had to sit down and work through the problem.  Ugh.  I hate the process.  I hate going through such questions.  I hate dealing with problems head on.... until doing the work actually brings understanding and relief.  It took 3 days to resolve but wow! what a different place I'm in today.
I've only been up for a couple of hours, but I have cleared my desk, caught up on the bills, and filed my tax returns.  It only took a couple of hours... this thing that has been weighing on me for months.   The fear (being drowned by debt) that kept me from taking care of business... turned out to be a waste of energy.  
In truth, most of my fear and worry (once faced) turns out to be a total waste of energy.  I can manage my life better than I give myself credit for.  Oh, well....
Does anyone else find this to be so?
for 12 år siden 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great question ~m!
Chipping away slowly at a task or goal is a very good strategy.    It is more likely that small attempts at tasks or goals will become grow into more usual habits. 
What have you planned for Tuesday?!

Vincenza, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Laura... welcome to the group.  Sounds like you are really motivated to make changes that will work.  When I'm feeling "dazed and confused" (often ), I have to scale back... maybe do one thing on my list but just commit 10 mins to it... (even 5 min if that is all I can do).  Just getting started is the key.  
My desk is a good example as I have a terrible time keeping it organized.  Everything just gets piled on top of other piles.  It's awful... I can't find anything and just want to push it all into the trash.  Or not go near my desk... except that is where the computer is.  Anyway... when it gets like this I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, hopeless... all across my life.  Not proud of that but it's what happens.  
So, it's time and I don't know where to start but will commit 10 min. tomorrow morning to go through some of the paperwork.  Maybe you could try doing that too.  See how it feels.  Sometimes 10 min a day is all I can give it... other times I get on a roll and do more than that.
The program teaches about balancing accomplishment activities with pleasure activities.  I have learned I definitely need both... each and every day or I start to slip.   What gives you a sense of accomplishment and what do you like to do for fun?
for 12 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just want to get my sleep pattern back  to normal. I am sleeping to much. I've have been trying to eat healthier. No junk. Lots of fruit and veggies. Also trying to organize things around the house. Most of the time I dont even know where to start there is so much to do. So I just dont do it. It feels so overwhelming. So I will make a little list and pick one thing at a time to do. And just make myself do it.
for 12 år siden 0 11223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Laura,
Welcome to the group. Please note that the WB-DAT test is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advise of a doctor. To get a proper diagnosis please visit your doctor or therapist.
Start with the first session. Make a schedule for yourself regarding when you would like to work on the program. Typically it takes a week to focus on each session. Once you complete sessions and reach goals be sure to reward yourself.
What is your goal for this week?
Ashley, Health Educator
for 12 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am new to this site and having difficulty about where to start. First of all I took the test 3 times but  I don't agree with the out come. It tells me I have panic attacks which I don't. I feel really uncomfortable in certain situations but not fear. I dont think anyway. I think I am so embarassed about my weight, how I look and that someone (a male) my be looking at me. I always feel like someone is watching. I hate this feeling. I useed the feeling uncomfortable a number of times and think this is why I was given the panic attack senarios.
I have trouble organizing, focusing and just trying to remember just how to find this site is very difficult. I'm totally frustrated with myself but am going to start with setting some goals and activities. I have become somewhat of a recluse and seemed to be starting to hoard.So  I'm focusing on getting out of the house, walking, eating healthy, and organizing my surroundings.

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