Thanks for listening m, and I really appreciate your words of wisdom. I am only on session 3 and until you go through each session you don't have access to it. I want to get to more of the info that will help me, but I also want to put in the effort to do each one in turn. I don't have a printer right now, so I have to save the worksheets, and email them to myself at work, and print them there. I think it would be nice if they could be filled in online and saved.
As for the boss, she is a pet owner, and loves her pets, so it was not like her to say that, and I agree it was really insensitive, and I think it was a case of saying something without thinking, and then realizing it, but not saying she realized it was insensitive. Yes, Smudge is my best friend, confidant, and like my child in many ways. Somedays the only reason I get out of bed, because someone wants breakfast!
Today was strange, I had a really uncomfortable feeling when I got up this morning, and it got worse when I got into work. I tried to pin it down to what it felt like was like a burning feeling radiating outward, again no real reason for it, it made me anxious. But I just got a cup of coffee, and I put on some essential oils, on my feet and shoulders, took a few deep breaths, and it subsided enough to get some work done, I went for my walk at lunch, and I ate....although I really didn't want to I choked down a sandwhich and some fruit.
I only have 3 more days until I'm off for 9, and I'm looking forward to staying home, and doing whatever I want to do.
My journals are my life story, I have volumes of them too! I am a little afraid to read them - I need to be in the right frame of mind when I do, otherwise it's like dredging up something that should be left alone, but sometimes I find some jewels of thought in there :)
What session are you on now, are you working through them all, or concentrating on certain ones?