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Day off from work because depressed

for 8 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Many thanks, Ashley. I have encountered mindfulness but only insofar as it is forced on us in the business world as a New Agey way of becoming "less stressed" and more productive. So I certainly associate it with work stress and the workplace. I am not sure it will be easy to disassociate it. Perhaps the underlying idea would be good for me but once the word "mindfulness" is said, the spell is broken.
I will, however, try the worry section of this website! :)
for 8 år siden 0 11224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Iceindigo,

Great questions. The program can certainly help you challenge any negative thinking that pops up while on vacation. Check out the section on worry for some good techniques on worry stopping. I also recommend that you look into mindfulness as this will really help you to be present in the moment and soak in your vacation. Mindfulness has a huge research base and is proven helpful in addressing anxiety, depression and many other physical and mental health issues. Mindfulness is tough to start to practice but with some time you should be able to get the hang of it. I encourage you to do a bit of research on this before you go. You might even consider getting an audio book on the topic for the flight over. One book I am currently reading and enjoying is Buddha's Brain - I enjoy the neuroscientific explanations that are included and easy to follow.
I hope you are able to enjoy your vacation. You certainly deserve some time to relax and it will help you improve your performance when you return.


Ashley, Health Educator
for 8 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Ashley! A fellow Canadian - it seems like there are a lot of us on here. :)
I think what my goal is (now that I have worked through the goal sheet) is to turn things around and although I really hate what I'm doing, at least become more the worker I want to be before I move on, so that I can actually be honest in selling myself to a new place where I can get a fresh start and (hopefully) be enthused. Because otherwise I'll just be unproductive and guilty there too.
This may prove impossible, but I'm going to take a few months (with CBT) and see if I can make any progress.
You might not be able to help with this but I'll ask you anyway: do you have any tips for how to enjoy a vacation? Some people get really stressed out with the mountain of work waiting for them at the end that they don't take vacation or may as well not have had a vacation - I may be turning into one of those people, particularly since I'll be even farther behind on my quotas when I get back.  I want to be able to enjoy my holiday and relax as much as possible so that I have replenished energy to tackle that mountain at the end of the holiday. Any tips for that?
(Others on the forum feel free to chime in)
for 8 år siden 0 11224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Iceindigo,

I am very sorry to read all you are going through; it sounds very frustrating and stressful. Good for you for coming here and facing your feelings. That takes a lot of courage. Resolving your job situation either by changing it, changing your perspective or leaving it are the tough options you are faced with. Take some time with the program and hopefully this choice will become easier to make. You deserve to feel happy, confident and secure in your job and I am certain you will eventually get there. In the mean time we will be here to support you.

How are you liking the program so far? Any questions yet?

Ashley, Health Educator
for 8 år siden 0 47 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel the same way as you do. Being hopeless. You are right the job market is hard. Being frozen is hard. We are a like and I do not blame you. It is tough to live life like this.
for 8 år siden 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today I am taking a day off from work because I woke up this morning too depressed to face it. Work is probably the main cause of my depression because I used to be a pretty happy person...before I started this job.  I have had this job for two years, but last year was ok because there were a lot of things I could blame for my depression - the loss of a close friend (grief), having to deal with a suicidally depressed friend and kind of be her only support person, a suspected cancerous tumour, and going from a job I loved that ended to a job I didn't like so much and was harder, just due to circumstances. 
It's so much harder without adversity, which is what I find weird. Now it's just me and the job I'm supposed to have gotten used to and be good at. I have totally run out of motivation. I was so bored at work the first few months this year that I frittered away lots of days. Now I am in danger of being fired because I may not make my sales quotas for the year - there just isn't time left. I really desperately need a vacation but feel like I can't afford to take it. There are days where I do almost nothing even though it is mission critical for me to get things done just because I am paralyzed with hopelessness. I am constantly guilty when not working but I can't bring myself to work. I feel so undeserving of my pay that I give tons of it away. 
I hate this job a lot, but it isn't as easy as simply quitting as my friends keep hounding me to do. The job market is terrible and it would take 6 months to get a new job at least. And to be honest I'd rather turn myself around and be motivated and positive by the time I get a new job or the same thing is going to happen again.
Anyways, a lot of ranting to explain why I'm here.  

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