Thank you for sharing what you have been going through. I think this program will be a great resource for you. Medication can be helpful when overcoming depression but it really can take a whole host of "tools" in order to get well. Healthy eating, exercise, rest, socializing, planning pleasant and productive activities as well as cognitive behaviour therapy(this program) all might be important tools for you to consider. Set small goals for yourself to start and work your way up. We will be here to support you every step of the way.
Hello. I am new to this program. I think I have been dealing with depression since my second pregnancy, over six years ago. Was on effector for the last four years and after switching from it to another drug have been in a major depressive state. Since then I have had ect and tried a two more drugs that did not help. Have been off of work for four months and struggling to find my footing again. Still have no return to work date and couldn't even imagine returning to the "real world" right now. I was excited to
see this program since I feel pretty helpless just being at home and "waiting" to get better. I just thought I'd share where I was at and hopefully find the help I need through this forum. Thanks