Welcome GreyPJ,
I am glad you found us. Work stress, relationship stress and lifestyle stress are all triggers of depression for many. I am glad you are making taking care of yourself a priority. Getting motivated to make change while depressed can sometimes feel impossible. I am very impressed that despite how you are feeling, you have already completed the first session. Nice work! How are you finding it so far? Are you planning on doing anything else that might help how you are feeling?
I hope to read more from you soon,
Short story is that I burned out a week ago and completely melted down at work. HR drive me home that day. My doctor has started me off with two weeks off and then we'll figure out if I need more time off. At this point, I think it's safe to say that I'll need more time. My office job has been super supportive so far.
Long story, working two jobs because I'm panicked about having enough for when I retire (20 years from now).
I'm single because I've spent the last 6 years in a relationship that isn't a relationship because my "partner" is not actually a partner. Gets all the the benefits without all the responsibility or committment. My own fault, he's been honest.
I don't sleep enough.
I've packed on 35lbs in a little over a year.
I'm so tired of doing life alone. No kids. Lots of acquaintances but not a lot of close friends. Now, I've hit this point in my life where everything seems pointless. Nothing has colour. Everything is just grey. It's crippling some days.
I feel like a giant sadsack but I HATE it when people feel sorry for me and I'm already tired of people treating me with kid gloves.