Whatever can go wrong in life and death is going wrong ... ! Family and friends bring big drama and anxiety ... ! The pressure keeps mounting ... !
The challenges of everyday life happen and then a bomb goes off and everything is out of control ... !
Will I smoke?
I take another breath, imagine my pink healthy lungs, thank my pumping heart and move on to the next piece of business. Yes I do what I need to get the problem solved and that is all I can do.
I used to think that by smoking I could take more time, have less stress and for years, decades I would cave into the misgu8ided thought that by smoking I would be giving myself a break... NOT!
So now it really is ... take a big deep breath, do the best I can, go for a walk, go for a swim, take another big deep breath, get back to the challenge or the several challenges that sit on my plate and move ahead. Thinking all the while I have created success! I have won a huge battle and that win gives me strength to move on to the challenges that lie ahead.
Be well. Have a wonderful smoke free day and look at the wonderful gift you give your body by not smoking! Look at how successful you are every moment that you stay away from the addiction of nicotine, (and a pile of other addictive and harmful chemicals found in tobacco products).
Give yourself a pat on the back and credit for all of the good that you do.
lunarversaries and anniversaries kind of blur together.
The noticing this morning is a little different.
My noticing is seasonal.
The hot hazy humid days of summer have melded away and fall is half way through it's course. The dryer days of winter are on their way. I notice my breath clears as the sky clears. The feeling I have when I breath is of more ease with the brilliant blue skies and lack of humidity.
So the 17th is here again and I feel better looking forward to more dry clean air...
The ability to breath is a huge reward, the consciousness of breath is the gift of life.
Love - Peace - Joy
Going to find that thread about the "old Hippie" thing
Another extraction due to bone mass loss in my jaw.
The dentist relates this to smoking.
All that can happen now is to be glad for the resolution to quit.
Glad to be quit and glad to stop or at least slow down the chain of events that were triggered in my body from smoking for all those decades.
So if anyone might read this, know that in the quit, in the reduction of harm there is benefit even if it is years later to find that another process that the body uses to protect itself from the harm created by smoking has actually taken place. The body knows best!
Grateful for the wisdom of my body and respectful of the care that must be taken to reduce harm. Glad to be able to answer at the doctor, the dentist, the local nurse that no I do not smoke.
So very glad to be free from the chains and bonds of smoking...
Living the life of freedom is always surprising and such a great adventure.
That sense of adventure was never there when I smoked. I am so glad that I have this adventure and the never ending source of pleasure it brings into my life.
Let the adventure and never ending surprise continue!
Looking forward to what will be waiting around the next corner!
My Mileage:
My Quit Date: 2/17/2006 Smoke-Free Days: 1679 Cigarettes Not Smoked: 41,975 Amount Saved: $17,839.38 Life Gained: Days: 301 Hrs: 10 Mins: 23 Seconds: 44