I'm feeling really down. I've been training for the last three months for a 10k that I ran this past weekend (04/01/06). Now it's over and I accomplished my goal time and now I think I'm going to train for a marathon in November. I feel really proud of what I've been doing and of how well I've been treating myself.
But now I've hit a lull and I'm down in the dumps... I want to share all of this with my ex - I want her to be proud of me. We split up right around when I quit, right before xmas. It wasn't really official until she finally told me she didn't want a relationship with me in early January. We had been having some problems, but it seemed as though we were working through them. Things seemed to be progressing, then, seemingly spontaneously, she decided she wanted out. Obviously, this hurt - I tried to maintain the friendship that she told me she wanted but found myself unable to do so. I would get angry and we would only communicate when it suited her convenience. I stopped contacting her, but kept missing her. We've had some email conversations in the last month but they ended with me responding to a comment she made (she said she felt like she had screwed me up and felt bad that I'm seeing a counselor and going to church, etc.) with the retort that I'm working to be a better me and that we both had some dependency/addictive issues to work on.
Anyways, I guess I'm just venting. I miss her, but I don't want to give in anymore (and email or call her, just to be let down again). I'm angry at myself for letting myself get hurt. Sorry for whining so much. I'm not really sure what to do. I've just got to suck it up, I suppose, but I'm tired and lonely. And we all know what that leads to. I won't even consider that foolishness, though. I can't even think of smoking. My lungs function too well after all of the running I've been doing.
Just sharing, I guess. Hate to be a drag. Ce la Vie, eh?
Any enlightening thoughts out there. I feel like I'm missing the lesson or I'm stubborn and don't want to learn it... hmmm. I stink at relationships, it seems.
Life or Death, Live or Die. There is only Do, There is no Try.
Choice puts the free in freedom.
Keep on keepin' on - fish
[B]My Milage:[/B]
[B]My Quit Date: [/B]