[size=4][color=orange]WOW!!! THANK YOU![/size][/color]
As always, I am touched and awestruck by the outpouring of support here at this site! Thank you all! You are all so awesome!
Thank you Phillip, Breaking Free, Roxy, Beto, Martha, Marie, Ladybugg, doodlebug, Luna, and Duffis for your support! I honestly wouldn't be here without all of you! You are all awesome! Absolutely incredible!
Josie and all of the support staff, thank you once again for all you do here. I really hope that none of you go a day without knowing how much you truly impact lives here at the SSC. I'm sure what you do is often a thankless job, but I do want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you so much for everything!!!
Lady, it's nice to be back! :) Thanks!
ItsIronic, you [b]are[/b]IT!!! Thank you so much!
BonBon, Thank you. Yes, you will be here before you know it! I'm so glad to see that you recognize the importance of rewards! I didn't for a long time in my quit, but once I did, the quit got easier. Yes, my reward was a shirt and I'm going to the fair with my niece on Monday. Thanks for asking! :)
Mr. Ed, I can't wait until you and the rest of the lot join us at the 6-12 Club! I'll be waiting with anticipation! Thanks!
Hurstlk, I don't know anything about childbirth, but I can imagine that quitting is much like it. I hope to find out one day... but not anytime soon! :8o: Thanks for the support and the kind words!
Shevie, I too learned to ride a bike without training wheels. I always thought my parents were just too cheap to get them for me! :8o: It turns out, I did alright without them... after the first few falls. I think the training wheels are there more as a pacifier than anything else... just like smoking. So glad I don't need either (cigarettes or training wheels) now! Although if I tried to ride a bike now, I might need those training wheels! They say that you never forget how to ride a bike! I bet I can prove somebody wrong on that one! :8o: ;p
Cherie, you have no idea how happy I am to see you quitting again!!! That's the best 9 month anniversary present I could possibly get! I'm so happy! :) Glad to have you back!
Thanks again everyone! You truly are fantastic!
Crave the Quit!
[B]My Mila