You make a very good point, Danielle. Choosing if you'll be angry or upset or not in the very beginning is very empowering. That's a tough one, because you are left with an uncomfortble silence for a moment. I guess we used to dig for cigarettes while the agressors stared at us, and now all we can do is breath and stare back while we think it out.
In my situation with the guy that worked for the landlord, he walked up the hill to me home and began yelling at me while I was getting the children out of the car. he was agressive. his goal was to make me behave the way he wanted to me behave. At this point, it doesn't matter anymore whether the way he wanted me to behave was right or not. I don't understand why people don't "get" this. had he approached me with "Hey, i was wondering if we could talk and i coudl share with you my reasons for wanting you to drive under 10 miles per hour while going past my house..." Then, i could have shared with him the reasons that i need to get a bit of a run at the hill going up to my house in order to keep my van from sliding on the dirt. We could ahve ome to an understanding, and an agreement all on our own, instead of the landlord having to be involved to come up with the agreement for us.
Now i'm still angry about this, and I really need to choose to let it go. Facts are, if the road to my house was properly maintained, then i wouldn't need to get a run at it to begin with, and that's the landlords responsibility. I didn't know it was his responsibility until this disagreement, because he explained to me that he was liable for what happened on his property, and it was his right to set speed limits. Well, i thought these were county roads all along, and the county was the lazy party not grading the road. LOL!!
Could I take my landlord on now? Yes, but I have to be prepared for the consequenses, and that's that I am going to be evicted. My landlord is also an attorney, and people around here have tried to take him on before... they are no longer in our town. LOL
I think that we all fancy ourselvs like that woman in "Fried Green Tomatoes" that slams into the car of those young girls that swipe her parking spot. "Sorry Girls, i'm older and have more insurance." My husband calls that F*** You mone