Oh I'm quiting baby! I'm gonna be the biggest quitter you all have ever met! And this time I'm not going back! N.O.P.E. is the word for me! Now everyone raise you left arm and pat yourselves on the back because my accomplishemts are yours also. I would never have had the the courage to even think about this trip wihtout all of you. On August 1, 2006 all of us are going to join together to make me a non-smoker.
Your right it was shevie who gave me the bent straw tip! How could I forget that? Love ya Shevie :) For the past 2 nights I've been "smoking a straw" from 9pm til I go to bed. It's a bit tough and I had to hide my lighter because I actualy lit the straw around 11:30pm last night and boy did it stink lol
Anyway, today was the living room. [b]Breaking Free[/b] will be pleased to note that I robbed the kids toy box and there is now something called a "Gameboy" on the end table. The kids promised that they will teach me how to play this thing if I stop smoking :). I also removed the ashtray from the endtable and replaced it with a cute little jar filled with dinner mints (along wiht the DO NOT OPEN TILL AUGUST 1, 2006 note).
On the bottom half of the coffee table I put a whiker basket filled wiht jars of Totsie Pops, Blow pops, sunflower seeds, corn nuts, etc. They are small jars to keep me from over indulging :( . I aslo went to the dollar store and bought some crossword puzzles, sudoku (what ever that is), word search, logic puzzles, and computer cryptography. I also put some penciles and a sharpener in case I get so nicotine crazed that I can't stand up to get a writting insturment lol
On the top of the coffee table I put a glass bowl wiht some chapstick (can't remember who told me about chapstick...smoking is destroying my memery :( ) the box of wodden matches, a bent straw **shevie :)** and a slinky...I figured I would switch it up a bit and replace the silly putty wiht a slinky ;)
So the livingroom is now a smoke-free area just like the kitchen. I make sure to keep these two rooms especialy bright and clean (wiht kids and toys thats hard lol) I want to walk in these rooms and see how birght and pretty life can be as a non-smoker. Lots of flowers and I even have the kids and their friends making me "no smoking" pictures, poems, letters