Wow! You are a super hero! I also have five kids. A bit older than yours (between 10-25 years old). I am so proud that you are quitting now. What a present to you and to them! I wish I had quit when mine were younger. I did not set a good example and now three of them smoke :(
The older 4 were from first marraige and I was a single mom for quite awhile when they were small. I worked nights as a police officer, drove a school bus in the mornings, and several hours three times a week I did testing for developmentally delayed children. All of that just to (barely) make ends meet. I also have a daughter that has emotional problems. Take time for yourself during this quit. We women have a really hard time asking for help for some reason. We can sense it with each other, but sometimes men need to be told who, what, where, when and how (accompanied with pictures if available). If your mother lives close by, perhaps she can take the baby for an afternoon while the others are in school. Or take the baby to the park. My oldest was an unhappy baby that screamed all the time. I used to go for long rides in the car because she would sleep with the motion of the car and it was atleast QUIET time for me while I listened to books on tape from the library. Stay strong, and in case nobody has told you...I am very proud of you! ;)