I work with my friend Jenny. I didnt know that she was going to quit smoking. She started working at my place the week before I went on holiday end of Aug last year. When I came back I was happy to continue smoking with her. A couple of months later another 2 people joined our team. Both were smokers. So i went from working with a team of Non smokers to working with a team of smokers.
Went back to work after Christmas, my friend Jenny said that she had quit smoking. I gave her the address of this site, and recommended that she visited. But she said no, she didnt want to think about it. I said ok, but keep the address, it really does help. She was paying �32 a week for acupuncture. I didnt see why but I thought well as long as it works for you that is fine.
2 weeks ago, my friend Jenny came into work said she had had a couple of roll ups over the weekend. Just when she was out at the weekend drinking.
I said that she was crazy she was inviting trouble. She said nah, I have this thing kicked now. I am ok, whats a couple of roll ups over the weekend? I dont smoke all week? Its just a pleasure. I have done so well I have gone from smoking 20 cigarettes a day to a few roll ups at the weekend. Thats nothing.
My friend Jenny came into work this week on Monday. She said that she was awful this weekend. Smoked so many roll ups, that her throat was burning, she is also asthmatic. She felt terrible. On Monday she said I am quitting today and that is it for good. I am at day one again.
I said that I had stopped smoking on Sunday, and that it was my day one too. Jenny didnt smoke all week.
Today I came back into the office. My friend Jenny looked all sheepish she said i have just smoked a roll up. I said what on earth for? Where did you get them from anyway?
She said - i went to the shops and bought some tobacco and rizla. Why not she said - I thought well I will smoke at the weekend anyway. I smoke when I drink, I cant drink without smoking. So buying the tobacco now was only a few hours early than when I would have been in the pub and smoking anyway.
Adiction huh? It can get any of us at any time. Never be complacent. Never think you can have just a few - or that you have control over it. You never have control over an addiction it will alwa