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The Magic Ship Thread

for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
.............AHOYYYYYYYYYYY MATIES.............. Sunshine it's so good to see ya! Thanks for the gold star :blush:. Here's a nice rum toddy to warm you up this early morning. Hope you can spend some time having fun with us. Danielle and Faithfreedom, you two are doing a fab job being our new welcoming committee, THANK YOU and keep up the good work, as we will share what's in the treasure trunk with you when we get to the next dock! *Pat cuddles up to share wine and chocolates* :blush: Awww shoot, thanks faithfreedom, and anyone else who gets a giggle from the 1st mate's efforts. Sure would appreciate some help here everyone...running out of good ones. How's about this title for the next big hit, entertainment night, soap opera aboard the Magic: ~~~~~~~The Lungs and the Breathless~~~~~~~~ Has a nice ring to it doncha ya think???? **Lady shakes head sadly wondering how Pat came up with that one today, especially after issuing such good words of wisdom** Captain MrMagic--------WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!-------------- We were getting worried that the sharks had gotten ya, or that pirates had tied ya up to the mainsails! Turning helm over to you again SIR. * salutes militarily, while hungrily scanning new menu and smacking lips loudly * Rainie!!!!!!!! You've been in and out of that closet a lot in the past couple weeks, so I hope you can stay out of it for good this time. Thanks for starting the party last night ;) and I'm glad your hubby is slowly opening his peepers. Of course, being just a mortal man (no offense Cap'n and Phil), it may take some time for what you've actually done to sink into his head (that only a few days ago was still up his behind, requiring a major medical procedure....headpullingoutfrombuttectomy..... and may yet require lengthy recovery time for brain swelling to subside and pain in the a$$ will gradually diminish over a few days or weeks). We are doing great everyone, so clean off the table tops, girls put on your grass skirts, guys find a nice lampshade, line up in a row��hell week is about over..........get up on our tables and: ***********Let's dance Put on your red shoes and dance the blues Let's dance To the song they're playin' on the radio *************** (Music of David Bowi
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Evening Everyone, *Pat turns some soothing music on and sings along with Faith while Rainie croons the 3 part harmony. Cap'n Magic strums his guiiitar gently, while tapping his foot to the rhythm* Nibblin' on sponge cake Watchin' the sun bake All of those tourists covered with oil Strummin' my six-string On my front porch swing Smell those shrimp they're beginnin' to boil AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh wasn't that relaxing after a hard day at the oars? It's been a busy day, we swabbed a lot of decks and the portholes have been scrubbed. Whew, thanks for cleaning up the galley after the celebration dinner gang. Just sitting down with a long tall Gin and Tonic but will try not to overdo them tonight. Thanks for noticing how rested I am Faith, the sun and sea really are doing wonders for all of us! Phil/Felipe, que pasa, what's going on? Are you ok? You've gone from one liners, to two liners and pinchhhhhhhh me if I'm dreaming but I do believe I counted three whole entire lines of Philism's in one single visit today.... Wahooooooo ....that's one line for each of us 3 original Magic crew! Here, have a sit down and I'll pour you a very special Gin and Tonic for making that long trip to the Bahamas. Thanks for checking in on us, but no worries mate, we won't be smokin' de butts. If we catches ya smokin, we gives ya a pokin! Rainie, you're still on vacation for passing your test! You deserve to go golfing and shopping with Faith. Buy yourself some special chocolates...Phil will notice the extra pounds, but he luvs ya too much to say anything mean... and a new book on the subject of your choice (may I suggest "how to clobber husbands and co-workers who are blind" or "coming out of the closet the easy way"). You girls take the jet ski's while the Cap'n swims and naps in his hammock. He can go golfing when you get back. Cap'n mmm needs to rest up after all that sailing and jogging around the deck. Cap'n, by chance were you on your knees praying there was no mutiny on board, since we've run out of wine and chocolate? Here, have a Gin and Tonic till the girls get back with the margarita mix, the chocolate and the lottery tickets. Is there anything else we need before they're off? Oh yes, the makings of a special meal for the first to n
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Thanks Rainie, gotta go find speed channel or fx or wherever anythings being televised on the pre boogity boogity boogity. You can come curl up on my couch Rainie and watch what's on till your hubby recovers from having his head removed from his butt! Nice to know that all your ppls at work are starting to see the real you at last. You pay no attention to what they think and just keep on smilin and smackin the tar outta that old demon! NIDS for now and NIDS for always!!! *RUMBLING, REVING ENGINE NOISES ANTICIPATING GREEN FLAG IN THE BACKGROUND* :8|: Hello Bullseye, come on in and tell us what's new!!! Hi to everybody (i saw you tip toein' over in the shadows early this morning Lady, thanks for peeking in and come back anytime) who's coming for a visit! Is it too early or too late for a tequilla sunrise? Cap'nMmm are you throwing a good morning/afternoon party and behaving by not running on snowy, icey decks and remembering your seasickly medication??? Don't forget your oranges for scurvy prevention and to keep up your strength for all the sailing and cooking from your new cookbooks and working that's going to happen this spring. Arrrggg, sure hope you're getting big rewards Rainey and MrMagic for skipping over hell and heck weeks with me! Sunday I get to break out my watercolors and mess up some paper with em. Might need instructions on how to prep the paper, so if you have time, can you give me just a teeny tiny little clue? Otherwise I'm falling back on plan B to just start flingin paint around wildly to see what it does and where it goes. Rainie maybe you haven't noticed me chatting much about how I'm doin, but read the messages left in your offline and IRL inboxes for updates woman! Everything is better than REALLY, REALLY OK, so don't worry. I can't control everything in life, but I sure can control my demon sweetie pie, hunny bunches of cute little serving wenches you! No, I haven't clobbered my hubby but he's spending time in his parka out of my reach in a snow bank out back and if it starts freezing rain, I'll have my chisel ready to crack him outta there and bring him in where's it's warm. Lol, he's praying for spring but sticking to his promise to keep the clouds outside.
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
****shhhhhhh, quiet now, is anyone awake yet?**** Happy Friday Shipmates, just doing my morning check in. All is well, having pleasant beach dreams....goin back to sleep now but wake me up when the party's started. Pat ;) [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 5 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 210 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $70 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 14 [B]Mins:[/B] 47 [B]Seconds:[/B] 23
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
freemom, thanks for dropping in ...sorry the party has been cancelled for today, but please grab a chair, have a drink and spend the night in one of our many luxury cabins until the party resumes. CONGRATULATIONS ON 4 DAYS! Glad we were able to inspire you in any way, we're all kicking ash here and having fun at the same time. Thanks for the new song!!! You're now in charge of the music, so feel free to play what sounds good :8|: Rainie..... :gasp:....oh no, just turned on the tv.....it's very sad, so much devestation and so many gone. I'm glad you are ok and that you slept in the closet, it's safer in there. It must have been terrifying. Wow, you didn't smoke at such a stressful time! I'm so proud of you! Mr. Wonderful is probably waiting for you to tell him you've quit, and you're waiting for him to notice...I sense a story line for a soap opera here....we could call it Fumes of our Lives or as the Smokers Turn? Good Day Cap'n MMM, walk softly and carry a long stick, Rainies not pleased with MEN today! Humpf!! ;p Hope you're enjoying your day off...make sure you get a big reward today because if I'm not mistaken YOU'VE MADE IT THROUGH HELL WEEK!!! Way to go, heck week's going to be an ocean breeze for you. (Softly says Wahoooo, my turn Sunday...and my daughter's taking me for lunch to celebrate!) Talk to everyone soon.....shhhhh Phil.....no Philisms unless they're very positive for Rainie until she settles this Humph!!!MEN thingy. Have a great Friday everyone. Pat *singing quietly and respectfuly with freemom in 2 part harmony* "Now I'm strong enough to live without you Strong enough, now I've quit crying long enough, now I'm strong enough to know - you've got to go" [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 5 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 222 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $70 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 15 [B]Mins:[/B] 34 [B]Seconds:[/B] 27
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Rainie, Cap'n Magig, and all you shipmates aboard. HEAR, YE, HEAR, YE COME ONE AND COME ALL BIG PARTY AFORE DECK IN HONOUR OF OUR RAINIE, SHE PASSED HER TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! (help yourself bar people...Rainie has a week off to celebrate) THE MOST INTELLIGENT, BEAUTIFUL, UN-DUMB, GRACIOUS, ALL TIME EVER BEST SERVING WENCH, WHO NEVER HEARS VOICES AND MAKES US ALL HAPPY WE HERE BY DECLARE THIS A NATIONAL WEEK OF HOLIDAYS ABOARD THE MAGIC ;p We knew you'd smack the old nico demon down Rainie! Phil...sorry to dissapoint you, thought you knew we were headed for Mexico! Spain is a long way to travel, but the Magic can take us anywhere. Wake up the wenches, break out the gin. IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!!!!!!! CAP'N QUICKLY, CHANGE COURSE FOR SPAIN Have a great day everyone, I'll be back in a while (just so you know it's just after 6am in my hemisphereic time zone ;) Pat *singing like no one can hear ...we are the champions, we are the champions, Rainie is a champion, la la la la la la* [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 3 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 135 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $42 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 9 [B]Mins:[/B] 28 [B]Seconds:[/B] 41
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
*yawning and stretching while climbing above decks at 10 am* Buenos Dias everyone, So glad to see this party still rockin and rollin. Did you pull an all-nighter again? Thanks for taking over the swabbing duties so I could get some shut eye. Faith, thanks for keeping your eye on us, we all appreciate you being on board to lend a hand. I like your music, I like your music, I like your music, but yes please pass the job to someone else and be our new greatest greeter, hostess with the mostest (chocolate and wine party anyone?) and chaser away of voices in our heads! Felipe, how wonderful, usted hablez (Spanglish) Espanole! No entiendo mucho. Maestro necesaria. That was bad, we need an official teacher/translator onboard this ship. Where do you stay when you�re in Mexico? I have relatives with a house between Ixtapa and Acapulco so I�m looking forward to our next month off to take up space in one of the empty bedrooms. Viva Mexico! I love Tenexpa, and Playa de Michigan! Gonnadoit!!!! You found us...how lovely of you to visit, welcome aboard. Can you play us a tune please? Have a margarita! My spanglish is so poor, I�ll have to whip out my dictionario to confirm, but did you say something about it being much too late to stop us from ourselves???? je, je, je (is this laughing or is my relative poking fun at me?) Oh, I�d love to try scuba diving anywhere you want to go!!!!! Hello my crew of the bigger, better Magic Ship!!! Forgive me waking up so late today. (doing a little dance, humming under breath, get down tonight) Glad to see you�re both doing great! Thanks for taking care of things here on board. I�m just gonna sit in my chair for a bit and watch you do your thing. Lol, the hammock looks like a promising resting spot after I take a brisk walk around the deck and grab some donuts for lunch. Hey, whose turn is it to cook today? Rainie, do you have any stew left over? Mr.Magic, (don't listen to faith, you are a nice guy) c�mon now, you�ve got to feed the crew before there�s mutiny on your hands! Put out an s.o.s. for a chief cook and bottle washer. Rainie, don't pay any attention whatsoever to any voices you ever hear that you can't expressly verify coming direcly out of moving lips. There, we're all ready to ROCK
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
* RUNNING, JUMPING IN THE AIR, DOING CARTWHEELS ALLLLLLLLL THE WAY DOWN THE DECKS* Pat�s goin with Rainie to Speedweek! And Rainie is going to try and get Bobby Labonte's autograph (ohhh, it�s his eyes girls, it�s his twinkly sparkly fast driving eyes)! I will be forever in Rainies debt and Pat will lobby hard so�s Rainie can have any kind of food she wants aboard the Magic forever and ever amen. * revvingg engines��squealing tires��blaring horns��loud announcements��smells of burning rubber, gasoline and hot motors��GENTLEMEN START YOUR ENGINES��green flag racing� boogity, boogity, boogity!!! * Sorry Cap�n, I must agree with Rainie about the baby cows (even without an autograph from said sparkly eyed, fast driving piece of mancake��hmmm bet you and Phil didn�t need to hear that, since you may have gotten to the baggy shorts point��giggling cause we all look great aboard the Magic no matter what we�re wearing). Hear ye hear ye, We, the Wenches of the Magic now proclaim: Poor defenseless baby cows can no longer be prepared or consumed aboard the Magic. We animal lovers and farmer�s daughters and all those who knows or cares about what poor baby cows are put through to become veal have put our foots down and said �NO MORE VEAL� we�re boycotting. (Sorry Cap�n, Phil and lurkers, we knows how you mens loves your meat, but could you please humor us on this one kind? Thanks, you makes all the serving girls happy now and you don�t have to worry about mutiny today) Yes, let�s all resolve the food situation���once and for all. I suggest that anything healthy or otherwise, (except for above mentioned boycotted item and also Rice Pilaf, both of which will force plank walkin), be stocked in the ship�s galley and be available to all. Do I hear a �I second that emotion, commotion?� B�sides, I need some healthy stuff aboard to keep the fishes happy, har har. Freemom, you�re keeping awful busy looking after poor sick children and all the fundraisers, so can I help you out with a couple songs for today? The first one is for Faith who�s been doing a little too much sippin: Red, red wine goes to my head, Makes me forget that I still need her so Red, red wine, it's up to you All I can do I've done Memories won't go, memories won't go Life
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yowers!!!!!!!! Look at all those lovely numbers adding up fast!!! ohhhh Rainie.........thanks sweetie pie, hunny bunches...you da bestest girlfriend evah I could ask for. Don't forget #43, 24,43, 8,43, 7,43, 9,43, 11, 43,12,43,18, 43,19, 26, 43,29,43,40, 41,43,99 not necessarily in that order.......oh ya, and did I remember #43? hee hee, pretty much any number, except you can pass by the #20 unless he's paying you for the autograph. See you in the lounge at 8 and don't be late sweeties. Pat *smiles thinking about ole twinkly eyes* [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 11 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 467 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $154 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 1 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 44 [B]Seconds:[/B] 48
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
OOps, forgot to add, (and wanted to see my meter again) Thanks for all the good wishes, for all my family members health issues....2 diagnois's/prognosis's down, 1 to go. Sista's getting ready to retire, enjoy her family and protect her health as long as possible. Big Bro...waiting for trip to bigger hospital to see if anyone there can help with his ongoing ticker problem....sounds like he may have to cope with it....will let ya know, but just another reason for me to stay smoke free!!! :)Pat [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 11 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 467 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $154 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 1 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 42 [B]Seconds:[/B] 30
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