Happy first (for most of us) special day as non-smokers aboard the Magic Ship!
Captain MrMagic Sir, Rainie, Faith, JT, and Freemom, �you are all just the bestest ever shipmates I could ever ask for! All the wine/chocolate sharing (yes we�re almost ready to cut back on these items), healthy delicious cooking, straight sailing, supporting and cheering on of smacking down the nico demon is making me so proud of all of us!
I must admit, I go for long spells now without even thinking of getting or giving a poking or anything to do with smoking! I�m happy everyone is finding tools and methods to cope in those situations when a knuckle sandwich is in order. I�ve found that keeping a golf ball or stress ball (one of those foamy ones) handy is beneficial. When I squeeze it, I picture it being the ole nico demon�s scrawny neck, it keeps my hands busy and occupies my mind. May not work for everyone, but it�s helping me.
Is everyone sleeping fine and dreaming nice dreams of yes, hint hint, wink wink, THE BEACH? Faith, we can�t wait to join you there and your latest description was breathtaking! My dreams are great, but the sleep is fragmented, causing my brain to malfunction and brain-farts aplenty. I must apologize again to the mods and anyone I�ve offended in recent middle of the night postings�.I�ll try to be an angel from now on. ;) No Philisms required thank you mate ;)
Rainie, you�ve been working so hard! We�ll be celebrating your 3 week�s with homemade fat-free cake that JL is whipping up in the galley with Freemom�s no calorie sugar free ice cream! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow, going you know where, doing you know what. If you have your camera with you please remember to snap a close up of ole twinkely eyed you know who and I�ll be hunkered down in the lounge taking in the festivities on the big screen!
Freemom, yipppeee you�re going on a vacation!!! Pack yourself a special little case, loaded full of all the good things you�ll need to make your trip a huge reward! Hope your family is feeling well and excited to be going away.
Harrrr female maties who have wee ones�we all know it�s a Mother�s sacred duty to keep track of all our children�s doings and to express our wishes for them (no matter how old or how big t
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Amount Saved
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Days: 853
Hours: 17
Minutes: 0
Seconds: 14
Life Gained
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Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked