I know that soon, I will end up snapping at somebody. Everytime I have quit (errr, ultimately tried to quit I guess) I say something mean to somebody else. Once, 3 or 4 days after quitting, I snapped at a friend. It was even all that bad, but it had a lasting effect on our friendship that took me several years to repair. This is my personal biggest hurdle to quitting smoking. I end up being mean to others. I say mean things. I am grouchy and pissy. Extremely argumentative and even hurl some insults. So, usually, after being mean once or twice, I start smoking again because I hate so so much how I treat others as a result of withdrawals. Would I rather not smoke cigarettes, or have friends like me? That is a hard decision. I love my friends. I don't want to lose them. But when I quit I feel like it'll just end up pushing them further away because I invariably end up being an arsehole. What do I do? I am scared that it will happen soon. Is there any way to prevent the being mean? Okay, so, I be an a hole..then what? plus, everytime I quit and start smoking again, I disappoint my friends and loved ones. So, after the last time, I have been keeping my smoking top secret because I do not want to disappoint them. So, I can't really say, "oh, by the way, I quit smoking", becuase then they would be all like...."dude, I thought you quit already? WTF mike"