Hey Ann!
That is my number one complaint right now. I've noticed that with panic, we tend to have one fear, we get over that and then another one pops up. So, for now, this one is mine also.
I have noticed that the more I think about it, the worse it gets. If I'm having a good day, it hardly happens. But, when I'm feeling particuarly anxious, even just a little, it starts up and then I start getting panicky and it takes off and gets so much worse! I get dizzy, light headed, pressure in my ears, monster headaches, my eyes hurt, and I get this horrid feeling like my brain flinches. It'll flinch real quick and then go away. Sometimes it will feel like that a few times and then go away, sometimes it's just once. That one is really awful. Do you ever get that? I also have been having a lot of memory problems lately. And things seem unfamiliar sometimes. It makes me feel like it's a tumor or a blood clot or something.
I read the other day that any brain diseases are extremely rare and any symptoms you may be having regarding your brain is most commonly caused by stressors in your life. Anxiety / panic and depression are certainly stressors in our lives and I really think this is why we get this. Of course, the panic monster is trying to convince me otherwise, but, keep telling yourself that this is just anxiety / panic and it will go away and it will not harm you. Once you convince yourself that it is nothing harmful, it will start to go away.
I'm working on this one, too. You're not alone!