Hello! Forgive me for posting so much on these boards the last week but I'm so chuffed to find somewhere to vent my feelings after years of having noone to talk to that truly understands what its like. I described in my last message how I've just been put on Citalopram for my chronic anxiety and panic attacks and I've been taking those for 9 days now. I'm feeling a lot lot less anxious and have been able to see friends, go out to the shops and even went for a meal this evening and had a glass of wine which is something a fortnight ago I wouldn't have dreamed of doing. I guess I was viewing this medication as the answer to my problems, in a way its been great but I wanted to have a real moan about something else. Now that I'm not in a constant state of terror and panic I am looking at my life for the first time clearly in years and to put it bluntly it sucks. I feel so low and depressed. I just do not see the point in anything at all. I was watching tv today and some adverts came on and I saw these people eating a bowl of rice in a nice kitchen with their family around them and I just thought what are you people doing? I used to have fun getting dressed up, now I look at my clothes and think go away, i hate you, you bore me. I used to love eating now I think oh god do I have to eat right now, do I have to cook three meals a day, what a bore. I haven't been able to get a proper job for 2 years since I left Uni due to my anxiety and now I'm applying for these jobs thinking what a waste of time, I wont get one. I'm sat at home all day tinkering away on my computer, smoking a million cigarettes and i cant remember when I last washed my face or brushed my teeth. Im up til 3am every day doing absolutely nothing and I sleep all the next day or watch videos. Its my birthday on thursday and I'm gonna be 25. All I can think of is oh my god I can't be bothered with a party, I dont want any presents, I dont want a fuss I dont want anyone to acknowlege it and my parents are calling me up saying what do you want to do for your birthday and it breaks my heart that I couldnt give a monkeys. I feel like im in a giant hole and i dont have the strength to fight it anymore. The anxiety was at least something I could concentrate on and keep occupied with and use as an exc