Hi Sue,
First thing I want you to do is take a DEEP BREATH, relax, and calm your mind.
Do not even let those kids get to you. First of all, kids these days have no sense of morals, and manners. I cannot begin to describe the rudeness that I have seen nowadays...its disgusting. So please, do not take anything they say personally. No its NOT you. ITS THEM, they are just rude and they think its 'cool' to do these things. Simply ignore them. You are like me, you care a lot what others say or think about you. Well, we really need to stop being paranoid about 'others will think.' We are not here to live for others.....you are here to live for you. Just ignore and move foward. Because YOU know who you are, and you know you are not a 'prostitute' or whatever they said to you. Dont let their silliness ruin your day. Plz, just think positive!
Second of all, i understand your feelings towards going to your aunts house. Yes its frustrating. Yes you feel horrible and embarrassed for not going. Yes you feel like screaming at everyone who keeps asking you to go. I knowwwwwww the feeling. I have been there, done that, and sometimes still do that! But all in all, I really think that one day you should go. Remember, the more you avoid, the more you will regret it. It will feel good in the short run, but you will feel guilty later on. I dont know how far you are in the program, but they teach you to use these experiences as part of your exposure work. Its a great opportunity to do that!
If you do decide to go, you must remember that no matter how horrible the anxiety/panic will make you feel, NOTHING CAN HAPPEN TO YOU. You have been there and done that a million times, and nothing happened right? Yes, i do understand that its hard because your aunt does not know your situation. I totally agree with that, cause i'm like that too. But maybe there is nothing wrong with telling her you are simply not feeling that well and you need to stop and get some fresh air for a bit. Thats totally normal, she will not suspect a thing.
I really wish all the best for you. Plz let me know what you decided to do. Dont beat yourself up cause of this. I know that eventually you will do this. And one day you will not even think twice ;)
Think positive and believe in yourself. You